Stats proposal

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby supersexyy » Tue Feb 12, 2013 9:55 am

What about the bot purely showing games won and elo? Or alternatively: just elo
People seem to care about their win/loss above all, and my experience is that games have declined because of this.

Showing just elo will also discourage players from creating new accounts when they feel that their stats are bad - as stats won't matter if only elo is shown.

Stats may still be looked up on the website for show but I doubt many players would bother to use it a stacking tool.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby matdas » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:08 pm

Or make all bots have the auto balance. If people want to have their stacked teams, they should not be used to hurt other players stats and more importantly their fun. If they wish to stack, they should make their own game using the bots.

Or, disregard showing all other stats and just show wins/kills

It will still track stats. and you can show off how many wins/kills you have.

If the other team is stacked, add in a script that doesn't ban leavers if the difference in total elo is greater then 600 and null the game of gaining/losing elo

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby Raizen » Tue Feb 12, 2013 6:13 pm

I don't think the stats visibility is a problem. The best people in the rank don't like to play with stacked team cuz they win just a bit of elo. And like someone say somewhere at this huge wall of text, "stack teams" don't means is a good team. Most of times just a bunch of noobs who know each other.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby FTHGN » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:18 pm

The biggest Problem with stats in Lobby is that it tooks much longer to get games started;

Not a big Prob in the "rush hour"-time but if i play at other times it happens often that a game is nearly full, then a bad stats player joins a team and half of the team leaves cause of their knowledge of this one player :)

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby NutzSucksHard » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:07 pm

matdas wrote:Or make all bots have the auto balance. If people want to have their stacked teams, they should not be used to hurt other players stats and more importantly their fun. If they wish to stack, they should make their own game using the bots.
Once again, what if FRIEND, like me and my brother, wanna play together in a game, ranked one cause hosted by me (like !pub dota) doesn't record stats. So, me and my brother are both high elo, if all other are average, for sure they will split up us both. The time it wil ltake to have a chance of playing will be what? 2% chance? Waiting 1 hours and maybe more till we fit in a team?.. Will piss people and they will jump on an other bot, not good for us, we losing player. So putting the autobalancing mode on ALL bot isn't an idea. You are bothering by the stacking so you should go in these game, and not, undirectly, obligate everybody to play it for your disagreement about stats visibility. Nobody is forcing you to play these ''stacked'' game. Just go play A-Bal game a bit, and come back with an answer about it? I don't know if it's done, but there could be an add of A-Bal game on other type of game. Like dota have their, then put one LtD A-Bal One not A-Bal. Dota and legion are both ''most'' popular in my vision. We could start doing that and see what it come out of it. Suggestion there. :)


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Re: Stats proposal

Postby matdas » Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:46 am

NutzSucksHard wrote:
matdas wrote:Or make all bots have the auto balance. If people want to have their stacked teams, they should not be used to hurt other players stats and more importantly their fun. If they wish to stack, they should make their own game using the bots.
Once again, what if FRIEND, like me and my brother, wanna play together in a game, ranked one cause hosted by me (like !pub dota) doesn't record stats. So, me and my brother are both high elo, if all other are average, for sure they will split up us both. The time it wil ltake to have a chance of playing will be what? 2% chance? Waiting 1 hours and maybe more till we fit in a team?.. Will piss people and they will jump on an other bot, not good for us, we losing player. So putting the autobalancing mode on ALL bot isn't an idea. You are bothering by the stacking so you should go in these game, and not, undirectly, obligate everybody to play it for your disagreement about stats visibility. Nobody is forcing you to play these ''stacked'' game. Just go play A-Bal game a bit, and come back with an answer about it? I don't know if it's done, but there could be an add of A-Bal game on other type of game. Like dota have their, then put one LtD A-Bal One not A-Bal. Dota and legion are both ''most'' popular in my vision. We could start doing that and see what it come out of it. Suggestion there. :)


You seem so butt hurt over the idea. It is a suggestion about it. I like the stats. Or did you not read what i have posted?
I merely stated that stats are a means of stacking teams and ways to fix the problem. What about the individuals who want stats? Should they have to deal with you and your forced stacked teams? Should they have to lose all fun because you decided to put everyone of higher elo on one team? Want to show off your stats? sure add a feature in that allows you to public your own stats. By all means go ahead.

What I am trying to do is make the games more fair and lowering the lameness of the games. They have become to based on stats. If i am the first one in a game and team 1 fills with a bunch of people with average stats and one more comes in with above average stats, is it fair that they all go to team 2 to be with him? How about when more average players come in and see that they cannot be on his team? They decide to leave. What then? I wait another 30 minutes for a game to fill just to have more people leave?
I am not saying "destroy the stats completely."

I am saying not to make it visible to everyone to stack the teams.
Or to fix that a little more, allow only wins/kills to be public.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby NutzSucksHard » Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:16 am

And what I'm trying to tell you is that, I don't stack people and swap them to my side volonterees. They doing it by themself. But you, think I'm stacking up team. Stats for you = a player. What about I play under a 600 elo. It still NutzSucksHard controlling it, my own personal skill. So I will own same as a 1600 that is my average rate on elo. But I'am 1k under. How about that? You refer yourself to stats to much. Stats doesn't mean everything. It's more over achievement and showing it to other.

Like when you win a medal, for something, you will show it to other right? Being proud of it? What I suggest, is, to not show stats when join the lobby. !sd nutz should show my stats. But when I join a EnT game, it shouldn't say, my elo/kdr/winlose etc. For that, I'am with you. :)


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Re: Stats proposal

Postby matdas » Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:27 am

i think it should show more modified. Nothing to suggest the "better" player. Just kills and wins. and leave the rest for the player themself.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby NutzSucksHard » Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:08 am

Elo is a ranking system. Without it you don't know who's number one taking it invisible. I suggest just to show when you !sd. Not when you join lobby. ^^ Otherwise, all the stats fonction would be worthless. Note yourself your game and win on an note-pad and enjoy play :). Making stats invisible will make people allowed to say ''I'm 2500 elo lem me mid'' but they're not you know what I mean? You want to know if he is really, but you can't. So you blind trust? Two thing, bot have been put on wc3 for stats. Second, to have massive none-stop active game and less lag issues. Bot without stats would been less interesting. I think :/ It become a need for some player. You understand? I know how you feel, still, we need to please all, that's why I'm trying to find a middle, not showing while joining but when you !sd it show what you need to see. :)

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby matdas » Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:35 pm

NutzSucksHard wrote:Elo is a ranking system. Without it you don't know who's number one taking it invisible. I suggest just to show when you !sd. Not when you join lobby. ^^ Otherwise, all the stats fonction would be worthless. Note yourself your game and win on an note-pad and enjoy play :). Making stats invisible will make people allowed to say ''I'm 2500 elo lem me mid'' but they're not you know what I mean? You want to know if he is really, but you can't. So you blind trust? Two thing, bot have been put on wc3 for stats. Second, to have massive none-stop active game and less lag issues. Bot without stats would been less interesting. I think :/ It become a need for some player. You understand? I know how you feel, still, we need to please all, that's why I'm trying to find a middle, not showing while joining but when you !sd it show what you need to see. :)

This is why i said in-game to allow it. Using it in lobby to stack the teams is wrong, but to use it to have the best player in the lane is fine because the teams aren't being stacked.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby NutzSucksHard » Wed Feb 13, 2013 2:25 pm

Do you reaslise people will spam stats in game, over talking about strat, where to build, picking hero etc ? not worth it. Still, some people dont care about leaving and get a ban 2hours, cause they have a bad player on their side. Still ruin an entire for your proposition, making it visible in lobby will make these people left before game start, its like giving a warn "you have beginner/noob on your side" leave now or never. :)


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Re: Stats proposal

Postby matdas » Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:12 pm

NutzSucksHard wrote:Do you reaslise people will spam stats in game, over talking about strat, where to build, picking hero etc ? not worth it. Still, some people dont care about leaving and get a ban 2hours, cause they have a bad player on their side. Still ruin an entire for your proposition, making it visible in lobby will make these people left before game start, its like giving a warn "you have beginner/noob on your side" leave now or never. :)


This is actually the first real thing that i find legitimate reason to keep it the way it is.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby supersexyy » Wed Feb 13, 2013 4:16 pm

I like the checking stats in game idea.
I've never seen a player leave purely because they've noticed someone has bad stats whilst in game.
Leaving because of noobs in game is common, but not because of stats.

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby NutzSucksHard » Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:11 pm

Still, when you will notice you have four 600 elo 1 kill per game and 12 death per game. Well, yea some might leave :/

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Re: Stats proposal

Postby Agent » Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:39 am

There are many good arguments here. I feel that the best option is simply for stats not to be tracked if a game is too imbalanced. For example, if the average elo difference is greater than 150, bam, no stats for that game. Average kdr difference greater than 1, bam, no stats for that game. Of course, these are just examples for numbers and can be changed. This would also solve many things - friends can play together, because they still would want to play together even if it means they don't get the 10 elo they normally would, right? On the other hand, those problem people, the people who see good players and switch because they are obsessed with their stats and want a higher chance of winning to get elo - those people get penalized. It will also encourage competitive (not competitive scene, but just those who like competition) players to balance games by themselves. I think for this to work, it shouldn't include stats for people who have less than 20 games for this.

Another thing that can be done is not tracking stats for those who have less than x number of games to reduce the number of alt accounts. I'm guilty of using alts, but I don't think they should receive public stats until a certain number of games. This would not affect players who are serious about one account, since the games would fly by. But those players with 1 game 15 kdr accounts will be gone, and I think this is a good thing.

A third option is that whenever a person joins, it shows how many other accounts they have. For example, a real new player could join and the bot would say " has joined the game: no other accounts" and this would work by tracking the IP of accounts and those with the same IP get linked together. So those players who keep on making new accounts (I'm such a hypocrite lol) would have something like this: " has joined the game: 113 other accounts"

A last suggestion, which I'm not sure is possible to implement, is limiting the amount of times a player can switch sides. So if two friends join and one has the last spot on Sentinel and the other has the first spot on Scourge, the first one can just switch, using up his switch. So if a good player joins, a wannabe-good player switches to the good player's team, then the good player can just switch away. Once again, I don't know if this is possible to implement, but it would be cool.

Just some suggestions that could also be implemented. I feel like the main problem plaguing the usage of stats right now is those players who see a good player join the game and immediately switch sides, or switch to the other side of a bad player joins their team.
Last edited by uakf.b on Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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