[b]Your Warcraft III username:[Tauren007]
[b]Why are you banned:[elofeeding]
[b]Why you should be unbanned:[Because I´m no eleo feeder and i realise too late that the game start but i dont understand for being banned because i tryed to draw the game to be fair and i also don´t ruin moshas game i give my best for him.
At 4:26 i said i strike and moshadius wasted his one
At 15:00 i was the first who start to cage against volcano and pyramid an nobody helps me
At 18:40 Moshadius had about 6-7 palas vs eraser wich makes no sense
First loose goes to Mosha for wasted rescue and mass vs eraser
Second round i play undead like i always do
(23:26 / Allied) Moshadius95: I'm not I just ask you politely to draw this game
(23:29 / Allied) Moshadius95: and I won't report you
(23:42 / Allied) T100Destructor: !draw
(23:58 / Allied) 3388225: !draw
(24:35 / Allied) OVanKillerratO: !draw
We try to draw the game to be fair but one random dindn`t
AT(32:34 / Allied) Moshadius95: !undraw
At:38:31 i start to cage out eraser with different units and i also dont sync my untis that not all become killed by eraser
Moshadius mass again axemaster and shamis vs eraser fail
At:41:41 Moshadius starts another spellcodo cage vs two erasers epic fail
At :43:31 He starts ah grunt cage with 8 grunts wich is more volcano feed than helps for erasers]
and so on look the replay file:http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/view_replay.php?file=5613269.w3g and you see i´m wronfully banned
Wrongfully banned
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- matdas
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Re: Wrongfully banned
OVanKillerratO wrote:Your Warcraft III username:OVanKillerratO
Realm/Gateway:Northrend/Europe; https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=55810
Why are you banned: elo boosting
Why you should be unbanned:
First I tried to draw the game, even though he already wasted rescue strike after his mate did tell him he would:
(24:35 / Allied) OVanKillerratO: !draw
this !draw didn't pass through. Later he tried another one, this time I asked why, because one of the guys in my Team left and the other one got control, his mates were playing better than him and playing normal tactics, for example Standard Undead tactics, which nearly made my Team lose. When I asked for an Explanation he just !undraw the game, like he wanted just to Sabotage:
(31:09 / All) Moshadius95: ovankillerato just draw this
(31:17 / All) OVanKillerratO: why?
(31:27 / All) Moshadius95: You know why
(32:34 / Allied) Moshadius95: !undraw
(32:34 / All) 3388225: [Moshadius95] recalled vote to draw the game.
At this part it just was an normal game with his mates playing normal tactics, they even did what he asked them to do, when he asked for it. He was massing Units against erasers, without blue he would have lost much earlier.
Later in the game he wrote:
(57:50 / All) Moshadius95: gg
and his teammates saved the round for him by building Towers. So this is called elo boosting, when the People that are called elo Boosters save rounds for the one who tells them elo Boosters? The in the round he lost finally, he let one of his Teams buildings go down, before he used rs after he said he would strike, his mates didn't let buildings go down, or waste rescue strikes like he did.
Why would a game last 85 minutes if his mates really tried to Sabotage him and nearly won a round for him (2nd round) and saved a round for him (3rd round), when he lost first round because of his waste of rescue strike and last round maybe because he let building go down, which gave my Team a goldfeed?
So who is trying to boost himself? It's much easier for him to get top ranks if he sabotages the ones out of range of his stats and elo by sabotaging the game himself, losing 10 elo and deleting several accounts in front of him. In chess (where elo is originally from) it is called pawn offer to do so.
And to prove his tries to elo boost himself by unfair matters:
Here his clanmate at this time boosted him by making modes that let to a ban for the one who made this for him.
- matdas
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Re: Wrongfully banned
Violators in this ban request reduced to 5 days. Stats wipe stays.
Violators in this ban request reduced to 5 days. Stats wipe stays.
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