mY uSEr namE: OnLookeR
MaSteR_oF_MinD, ReaLM uNknoWN tRieD fINdiNG haRD, hE IS eiTHER GaRnEA, nORtHRenD OR aZeRoTH
PLayER MaSteR_oF_MinD uSEs lAG haCKs IN hIS gaME tO laG U oUT oR doWn IN gamE makinG IT UNbEaRabLE
hE hoStS thREw eNT anD dOEs thiS evERy gaME
eVEN IN thIS REplAY U caN sEE hOW deLibERatE hE iS oN noT heLpinG mE bEcauSE I caLleD hiM ouT.
HeS doNE thIS moRE thAN onCE anD iS coNTinUED abuSeR oF laG haCK.
MaSteR_oF_MinD eVEN kiCkED mE bEcaUSE I bEAt hIM aT hIS oWn gaME, sO HE kiCKS mE aT ScORiNG SCrEEn! tO baD I woN!
HA skILl caN neVER bE oUThaCkeD! I aM tEXaS!
RulES, ViOleTED: LaG haCK
tExaS mEAninG mE laST thouGhTs, iTs tiME TO clEAn UP thiS haCkiNG IN Wc3 oNe gAmER aT a tiME!
REplAy INcluDED, raWR I AM teXaS!
MaSteR_oF_MinD, ReALm: UKnoWn
Moderator: ENT Staff
- OnLooKeR
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MaSteR_oF_MinD, ReALm: UKnoWn
- Attachments
- MaStER_oF_MinD LaG hACkER.w3g
- GamE: WaRloCKS
HoST: MaSTer_oF_minD
oFFeSnsE: LaG HAckER - (401.47 KiB) Downloaded 27 times
I aM teXaS, raWR!!!
- ShadowZz
- Poison Treant
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Re: MaSteR_oF_MinD, ReALm: UKnoWn
If your incapable of writing in the correct format or just understand what capital letters are used for then you don't deserve to post....... Clearly a troll post....
Re: MaSteR_oF_MinD, ReALm: UKnoWn
@OnLooKeR - Next time post a ban request follow the correct format.
Anyways, we don't administer private games (unless it's maphack)
Anyways, we don't administer private games (unless it's maphack)
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