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Postby HealByColor » Fri May 08, 2015 10:57 pm

This post is not related to anyone. I feel that flaming someone is not considered a real issue. Personally I think flaming is one of the biggest issues! If I was new to kohl and you were to flame me consistently I don't think I could play here. Meaning that if people don't treat this as a league and have manners the league will eventually die. For most of the veterans I believe they have come to realize this. You will get a lot more out of a person if your nice and explain without making them seem stupid or feel like they're doing wrong. Make a suggestion if the don't listen then let them fail that is how we learn if they're really for the next level they will pick these things up. I've said my piece gl to all.

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Re: Flaming

Postby V1rus » Sat May 09, 2015 12:03 am

I agree. Excessive flaming should be treated more harshly. Just with the aim to tell people of the lihl community that its not okay to flame hard for no or little reason and is not just widely accepted.


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Re: Flaming

Postby aRt)Y » Sat May 09, 2015 7:24 am

If flaming is really an issue, you should start at "excessive flaming". You should change your entire attitude towards flaming. Stop flaming after the game, stop flaming for fun. If you do it too often for "fun", you are automatically downgrading its severity.

I see it often enough on chat that players casually flame when they could use normal words.
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Re: Flaming

Postby ArMeDaNdDeAdLy » Sat May 09, 2015 10:31 am

Also excessive flaming is punishable.If u cant make people change report them @healbycolor

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Re: Flaming

Postby nabo. » Sat May 09, 2015 1:10 pm

Depending on what we decide to do with !ignore function + if it is flaming amongst same team, we can prob be harsher if it is excessive or intensive.

People should not be flaming new lihl players. Taking a better/effective communication approach will probably help you get better games.
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Re: Flaming

Postby aRt)Y » Sat May 09, 2015 3:10 pm

It will cause issues though again because what moderators consider flaming might be trolling/"having fun" for others. And inb4, why are we so harsh and strict.

The people who vote for it be stricter should be aware that it will actually happen then.
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Re: Flaming

Postby HealByColor » Sun May 10, 2015 1:05 am

There is a huge difference between joking and actual calling someone a noob in a serious way or saying they suck and they dont know why theyre in the league.

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Re: Flaming

Postby matdas » Sun May 10, 2015 4:51 am

here's an idea, why not just stop flaming/flame joking? then no one gets butt hurt. problem solved.

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Re: Flaming

Postby V1rus » Sun May 10, 2015 11:01 am

@matdas your idea sounds nice but have you ever played an online game before? :D
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I like the idea of @nabo.


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Re: Flaming

Postby matdas » Sun May 10, 2015 12:23 pm


maybe if people in a well mannered league stopped bitching at each other and using sarcasm as much as you, people wouldn't need to stoop so low as flame

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Re: Flaming

Postby aRt)Y » Sun May 10, 2015 12:27 pm

HealByColor wrote:There is a huge difference between joking and actual calling someone a noob in a serious way or saying they suck and they dont know why theyre in the league.
Indeed. Just as huge the difference is for each individual human being. Who are you or the moderators to judge when it's offending to fragile players?

What the moderators so far have suggested is simple: There dont necessarily have to be rules. A change of attitude is all it takes. But the principle of "think first, then act" or "what could others possible think about my comment"-approach are not really welcomed by the players.

You rather prefer rules, get banned, qq and quit the league. At least that's what repeats itself all the time.
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Re: Flaming

Postby V1rus » Sun May 10, 2015 6:41 pm

@matdas i am not bitching at anybody :D yes I use sarcasm but its never offensive in any way. (and it wasnt in that case)

that somebody changes his attidude for online gaming is just an illusion. if somebody isnt well mannered he wont be in online gaming. maybe sometimes he doesnt even means what he writes... he just doesnt think about it clearly because he is annoyed about something else in his rl or he is just drunk/stoned etc.

in a league we can only discurage bad manners or make them think about their behaviour with a ban. it wont fix the problem in the long term but maybe it helps a little in some cases.

I agree that lihl should be a well mannered community with higher standards than just regular ent rules.


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