Rule - Legion TD X 10

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Rule - Legion TD X 10

Postby donotpingme » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:44 pm

No sending on rounds 1, 10, 20, 30. This constitutes Game Ruin as the likelihood of survival by the opposing team is not measurable. This has already been adapted into an automated message on the other game servers who have hosted this Map long before ENT picked it up. This rule is already considered an unspoken agreement by players and it is known to be a game ruin scenario if broken.

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Re: Rule - Legion TD X 10

Postby Merex » Tue Jul 14, 2015 10:38 pm

Really? I've survived both 1 and 10 with sends as bad as warriors on 1 and mass + wyverns/furbolgs on 10. I can understand it's an unspoken agreement as I've played my fair share of x10 but generally an agreement is followed by 2 opposing forces to participate and sometimes, not always will it happen and as such, sending will proceed.

I honestly think if anything is to go down in the rules then it should be no sending 20 due to the ridiculous buff on the turtles but by then with round 17 being buffed, it doesn't always make it that far. Sending 1 is hardly a blow to a game like x10 where the natural flow of gold income well exceeds 400. Easily recoverable and sending 10, even if you leak as much as 5 bosses with some sends, the same natural unspoken agreeing citizens also manage to keep their income within a respectable level so just upgrade the king and that's manageable as-well.
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Re: Rule - Legion TD X 10

Postby nabo. » Wed Jul 15, 2015 1:46 am


So if there are a lot of sends, does it become laggy on lvl 1 10 20 30?
Also, is it defendable and/or balanced?
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Re: Rule - Legion TD X 10

Postby Merex » Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:05 am

I can't comment on level 30 since I've to make it that far with level 20 being a really tough spot but in all those rounds, no I haven't experienced lag.

Surviving 1, even with a send, is indeed very easy. I've been sent hermits, dinos and whelps and have defended most of the time. I've survived 10 with a full scale mass/wyv/furb send so yes, generally speaking, it can be defended. Does it happen often? No. In my experience with team-sending 10, most do not survive but I like to judge that based off player skill rather then just plain imbalanced. Sending on 20 you will most likely not survive. Even holding 20 without sends is near impossible with the HP buff on the Maccabeus which is why I stated, sending 20 is a bit ridiculous. in my experience with being sent on 20, no I have not survived nor has anyone I sent to. @nabo.
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Re: Rule - Legion TD X 10

Postby nabo. » Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:13 am

So lvl 1 10 is ok; lvl 20 is a king race; lvl 30 is hard to reach.
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