@guennter Fixed, sorry
Masamune wrote: The thing is NWU and DotA may be the same concept, but NWU falls off very far from the tree from DotA. You can build Onbu's and still be able to carry the game.
So NWU is different from DotA because you can carry a game with a tanky build..? How does that explain the fact that Rocky was still pushing top lane as the other team raxed middle? (We were spamming him to come help us) He wasn't even close from raxing top, he was simply abandoning his team. Not to mention he was so fed at that time that we could have defended middle quite easily.
Masamune wrote: It's not punishable for him to build other items other than Amen. Let's take a look at that game now. Yes, he went a not-so-great build, but so did Danzo? Level 4 Karite's when he could have went so much better items. They weren't blaming you, yes, but your team also blamed Danzo too for building Karite's Touch? You draw the line on Danzo, but not for Kabuto who has pushed top twice while you guys kept fighting their team and losing against them?
When did I express a problem with his builds? Neither Danzo's or Rocky's builds were the direct cause of our loss. I even encouraged Kabuto to make his ''tanky build'' by buying Hok. To be fair, Idk why you're mentioning builds. I didn't know who chakra_smasher was when I made the ban request, the reason I reported him and not danzo was because he spent the whole game top despite our team yelling at him to come help.
Masamune wrote:By the time he helped, your team had already lost the game.
By the time he ''helped'', team 2 had already pushed mid rax and beat the rest of us in multiple 5v4s. Obviously game was lost.
Masamune wrote: Also, people make alt accounts to have fun in this game and to test out the limits of the map. You're the only one taking it too far and seriously.
I'm sorry, but I don't enjoy when people make alts in the sole purpose of pissing me off;
[Masamune]: charles honestly
[Masamune]: we need to
[Masamune]: alt
[Masamune]: and snipe riki
[Masamune]: take all that elo
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/dow ... 201551.txtStill a game tho, right? So I play it and enjoy it as much as I can even if teams are stacked. The problem occurs when one from your little crew gets in my team and decides to throw the game. Atleast Rocky was smart enough to try and hide it... Let me remind you I didn't know who chakra_smasher was when I reported him. There was no conflict of interest, just a VERY odd coincidence, don't you think?
And when I join the stacked team (because I don't want to wait 30 minute for the next game to start):
[Masamune]: !swap 3 6
[Masamune]: !swap 3 6
[Masamune]: !swap 3 6
[Masamune]: !swap 3 6
[Masamune]: !swap 3 6
[Masamune]: !swap 3 6
[Masamune]: !swap 3 6
[Masamune]: !swap 5 6
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/dow ... 201551.txt Masamune wrote: There are alt accounts for a reason. He didn't spend as much time solo as Asuma did when he tried pushing bot and died to Azog. Where do you draw the line on throwing?
(14:40 / Allied) Soiseiseki.: 5.2k (Yeah lmao, I think he waited until he had 7k before shopping, and yes, he did pass by the shop)
(14:42 / Allied) Soiseiseki.: help out now
(15:20 / Allied) Soiseiseki.: now carry us
(17:25 / Allied) Zireael: kab
(17:26 / Allied) Zireael: join
(17:29 / Allied) Zireael: join
(17:36 / Allied) Zireael: KABUTO
(17:37 / Allied) Soiseiseki.: youve farmed 7k (yeah, literally 7K before buying)
(19:30 / Allied) Zireael: u need to join
(19:32 / Allied) Zireael: stop farming
(20:05 / Allied) Zireael: join kab
(20:06 / Allied) Zireael: join
(25:03 / Allied) HazarD: he still goes top (So he saw team 2 coming for mid, and he went top lane to push)
(25:04 / Allied) HazarD: sigh
(25:08 / Allied) Soiseiseki.: TOP IS PUSHED
(25:09 / Allied) Zireael: JOIN BATTLE (That's the mid RAX battle)
(25:11 / Allied) Lons: kab youre anoob
(27:21 / Allied) Lons: cause youre retarded
(27:24 / Allied) Lons: and not a team player
(27:46 / Allied) Zireael: KABUTO
(27:50 / Allied) chakra_smasher: i push
(27:51 / Allied) Zireael: GJ
(27:52 / Allied) Zireael: NOOB
(28:23 / Allied) HazarD: kab, if we lose im reporting you
(28:34 / Allied) Soiseiseki.: wtf you doing
(28:40 / Allied) chakra_smasher: gonna kill narutoo (So the first time he leaves his lane is when I threaten to report him?)
(28:48 / Allied) Zireael: KABUTO
(28:49 / Allied) Zireael: SO USELESSS
(29:05 / Allied) chakra_smasher: i need more gold
There's no end to it...
Then, (29:55 / Allied) Lons: !votekick chak
(30:08 / Allied) Soiseiseki.: he knows how to play
(30:12 / Allied) Soiseiseki.: hes just not playing like we want him to
(30:16 / Allied) HazarD: hes vs hes 2 friends
(30:17 / Allied) Soiseiseki.: doing it on purpose
(30:18 / Allied) chakra_smasher: i do
(30:20 / Allied) HazarD: so hes throwing
(30:25 / Allied) Soiseiseki.: oh..
(35:47 / Allied) Zireael: u fucked up game stfu
(35:56 / Allied) Soiseiseki.: youre doing this on purpose and we know it...
(36:52 / Allied) Lons: !ignore chak
(36:56 / Allied) Lons: hes not part of this team
(37:47 / Allied) Soiseiseki.:
we were winning.. (37:50 / Allied) Soiseiseki.:
in first 10 minI think it's pretty fair to say we all realized we were being trolled, right?
You asked me where I draw the line on throwing? I think the line is drawn black on white.
Masamune wrote:For instance, I banned him for 10 days and made his appeal unappealable. He is toxic and flames every game. I warned him, he did it anyways. People eventually stopped reporting him because they stopped caring.
Look Masamune, I have no idea who this Rocky guy is, but he started to hate me when you made him alt to piss me off. He's probably just acting the way he thinks you want him to. And finally, I don't report that much, but when I do, there's a reason. The same reason
@13lood saw when he reviewed the ban request and believed it deserved a ban. You're just unconsciously blind to it (perhaps because you don't like me, idk nor do I care).