If you think BTI is the only ID clan then you are very naive.....
Prove me wrong and link another ID clan with 10+ active members. The only ones are STiD (Inactive), BTI (Active
ish) and
ROBO (Just stealer?). All of these clans have good relationships and wouldn't mind BTI's In-Houses getting advertised on the bot.
Neco being a member of the clan has nothing to do with it.
Why not? He is in control of the developement of the map so why shouldn't he get to decide if there should be an official clan or not, there has been plenty of maps that have had official clans for their maps and that have worked great.
You keep going on about benefiting the community but you are missing the point. Hosting in houses doesn't actually benefit the community. It does the opposite. It removes people from playing on the bot causing less games to be played. It segregates good players from bad players and decides that all the bad players now can't play games because the good players are busy having fun in private games. In houses literally destroy small communities on bots. All it's going to succeed in doing is ensuring Saturday nights take 40 mins for a public ID game to fill. Hence reducing the community.
The time for the game to fill up isn't going to change majorly, the In-Houses we have had so far proves this. I'd like to think of the In-Houses positive for all members of the community, even the low-skilled ones. It gives them a chance to play with other low skilled players when all the high skilled players are playing an In-House. It also gives them motivation and a purpose to improve their skill so one day they can participate themselves. It also gives them replays to watch to improve faster. In-Houses have been going on for a long time in the ID community and it is still alive to this day.
On top of that the majority of in-houses your hosting aren't even on the version you want to advertise them on.
We vote every game on what version to host, what ever version has majority is played on. I can be more clear with the votes in the future and include the voting into the replay posts.
To add to that your asking for special treatment from ENT towards a single specific entity (BTI).
Indeed I am. And there is nothing wrong with it. If someone from another clan has a problem with it, they can bring it up.
Also why would ENT encourage people to not play on their bots and to go play elsewhere? Even if you were hosting them through ENT and not the BTIGuardian then your still removing large chunks of players from the auto host bots?
To help the community grow. There was nothing wrong with this back in 2013 when they advertised the In-Houses on the bot. Though it was ENT's In-Houses, would you change your opinion if the In-Houses were changed to ENT Island Defense In-House instead of BTI Island Defense In-House.
What if a bunch of ID's most active members leave BTI and make a new clan? They ask for their clan and in houses and then you argue over who's more valid? BTI is not the first ID Clan and it sure won't be the last.
Very unlikely scenario, but if it would happen we would solve it then. I doubt there would be any problem though since most of the players have good relationships.
It's a bad idea.
Do you have another idea to help the ID community grow?
For your last proposal:
"Join Channel "Island Defense In-House" at 24:00 saturday nights GMT+1 for a chance to play high skill Island Defense games."
Your just going to end up with public players who would have been playing on the autohost bot now playing in private lobbys. All you've achieved is moving them to a different lobby?
Except for removing downloaders, griefers, very low skilled players, and having the modes froff and ar.
As for this bit :
"a BTI representative can also be in that channel to invite players to BTI's In-House."
Some random person can go choose who is a shit player and who is a good player and then invite the good ones. So all the shit players can sit in a lobby all night and do nothing. Refer back to the first paragraph for the reason why^^
I think the ID community are in consensus of the skill of each player. It's not random, it's of each players merits and what they've proved of their skill in public games or In-House games.
Gaara wrote:As in regards to this last one, Promoting a clan via ingame announcements doens't look good at all to be honest; I could agree with something such as using
http://entqo.com/ at ingame announcements (Example: If you're interested in playing higher skilled Island defense games, check entqo.com/"ID" -> linking to ID section, or some specific forum ; would prolly need some rephrasing to make it look better)
This would be a good replacement.