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Postby eldryan » Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:49 pm

The new forum moderators have removed all the topics not asking for a ban, including complaints, suggestions, and discussions about the vouch-status of trials. The only thing left is "resolved cases" as an archive.

Deleting the archive is stupid; important replays and play suggestions are important to LIHL, and just deleting these from the LIHL forum because they're not "moderator" oriented is harming this forum as a location for all LIHL topics. In the forum players discuss LIHL in the interest of lihl, not the interest of an LIHL Forum that is easy for reds and greens to come in and read over with a simple layout.

Why sacrifice the quality of the forum for lazy/simple outsiders who aren't in LIHL...

Calling things like the first LIHL game replay "spam" that should be deleted is just retarded and insulting to the intelligence of those reading it.

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Re: Archive

Postby nabo. » Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:01 pm

Checking through most posts which were originally from lihl archive, i see very little topics (10?) which are actual guides or contain useful gameplay replays.

I dont see why you would need past dc reports or qq threads.

I'll move back some of the topics I think are generally useful.

General lihl topics will stay on lihl forum from now and green mods will only delete drama or spam topics, so I am not sure what you mean by only topics that are "moderator oriented".
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Re: Archive

Postby eldryan » Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:13 pm

We don't need past dc reports... which is why this resolved cases archive is useless by and large.

beginner guides aren't the only thing of use... rule discussions often go into detailed discussion about "abuses" and what should be considered allowed, strategies which were used, etc. complaints about the rules influence the rules as they are now, which are far from perfect/finalized. not because they are necessarily wrong before, but via new metas.

many times these new metas are discussed with arguments in favor/against each rule are layed out in detail, and when a new meta emerges these arguments are available. there are still many rules not implemented which could better the league - these suggestions are just deleted. half-finished tournament plans also deleted. rule suggestions which can solve the QQ deleted. QQ posts about me have led to many new rules, but all QQ is gone.

if something is indeed trash/spam, it was probably deleted by an LIHL moderator and you don't even see it anymore as we did use delete for non-LIHL posts.

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Re: Archive

Postby nabo. » Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:36 pm

I dont see much beginner guides. Only guides I remember reading from this forum was from archol. General lihl guide was already moved to wiki awhile ago:

As for rules, should be easy to understand why current rules are rules.

Most of the topics which were moved were either old dc penalties, name request changes, random topics which were not lihl gameplay related but remarks about certain lihl players, and dramas. I did see few topics about a lihl tournament. None had participation.

I moved back ones I thought are useful imo. I'll ask lihl mods if there are any other useful lihl gameplay or rule related topics.
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Re: Archive

Postby eldryan » Thu Aug 20, 2015 12:47 am

the first LIHL replay was deleted. every single suggestion ever made was deleted if you didn't agree with it. "lihl drama" can be something like quotes from in-game that are interesting to LIHL... lihl is a league and includes player disputes etc. just because it can be considered drama doesn't mean it's not relevant to LIHL.

if it's spam, go ahead and delete it. if it's just an insult, ok. but just deleting the problem and saying "no problem now" is not a good method of moderating.

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Re: Archive

Postby aRt)Y » Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:57 am

Too bad that's something you will have to talk through with the retired moderator. He was the one removing all LIHL topics from the forum (which were prior in the LIHL archive). We/I did never delete any topics which are not subject to forum rules violations.

However, I could still retrieve the topics and move them back in the LIHL forum; without the archive for now. Your choice.
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Re: Archive

Postby pewpew lasergun » Thu Aug 20, 2015 6:33 am

i don't know whats the motive behind removing our archive, its part of lihl history.
and players are also part of lihl history like Hbc, eldryanthewise, supersexy, Diablo_
just because they have different opinions doesn't make them bad, they are the pioneers of lihl since day 1.

kindly restore the person in question forum access, thank you

could you please restore these threads
" king elemntary school "
" ilocos gproxy "
" threads with replays"
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Re: Archive

Postby eldryan » Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:13 am

well, diablo since month 1 anyways.
iightyfyre and beep. both here on day 1 and moderators. 1st game (deleted from LIHL archive) was something like me/iightfyre/hate2lose/som1 vs murkemhanks/boop/ba_fail/som1.

just put the archive back and don't give LIHL mods the power to move topics to wrong sections/delete topics? seems rather simple, and deleting topics shouldn't be needed in LIHL.

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Re: Archive

Postby HealByColor » Fri Aug 21, 2015 3:42 am

To explain myself about moving them to staff archive. I moved them because there was 36 pages of stuff. Some of which were things that could easily cause confusion and just not needed. I moved the topics to an archive rather then deleting so they could be retrieved again. The real question to ask is why is lihl the only forum that doesn't have an archive IIHL DIHL etc.

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Re: Archive

Postby aRt)Y » Fri Aug 21, 2015 6:21 am

@eldryan The forum permission system doesnt allow that. Furthermore, just for clarification, HBC retired himself without our impact or communicative influence. Blaming his hunger for permissions (lihl mods only have to move topics after having judged the case) and access (no mod gets bot access after just few days or weeks, none) after few days on us is ludicrous. If he truely wanted to change something and improve LIHL, he would have stayed and worked together with the lihl mods and those who have access to the wiki. As already mentioned, nabo himself asked him to simply rephrase his suggestion and it would have been added. We didn't forbidd or overrule him in anything. But nothing came as expected.

LIHL doesnt get its archive back just yet because you all behave like children whom somebody took the toys away. Just take this example. Something as unimportant as an archive (considering none other casual forum has one) causes such a stirr. Compared to other leagues, LIHL has the most toxic members, is the most mess discussion-wise and has the least mannered members.

"History" doesnt mean anything and is no reason for not changing something. I do however, value and respect the legacy staff members for their influence and shaping of LIHL.

"We don't need past dc reports... which is why this resolved cases archive is useless by and large."
The cases archive, just like the processed ban request section, is there to document cases and a user's history and to promote transparency.

@"pewpew lasergun" I will see what I can do about the threads you requested. Perhaps you can pm me some details.

As this went off-topic again without any real arguments supporting the actual need for an archive excepting calling things "stupid" - again- , I will have to lock the topic. Regarding what happens next, please refer to what greatbeyond said. If you have any logical arguments, please pm them to me.

Please keep in mind, the LIHL mod team might still need help. I am sure KeeRo would like some more support.
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