LIHL Rule Update

Moderator: LIHL Staff

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LIHL Rule Update

Postby nabo. » Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:26 am

Read and become familiar with the updated rules. If you have any questions or would like to suggest anything, let us know.

Remember that ENT's General Rules still apply in LIHL as well.

    Game Modes
  • The default game mode is -hpgmcb with prophet builder.
  • Other game modes can be chosen if all players have agreed to play the mode.
  • If red (slot 1) fails to choose a mode (where the default mode is -ap), then all must choose the prophet builder or !draw the game.

  • You may only play official lihl games with a !signed and vouched account.
  • If you are !signed to a game, you must join it, and must not go afk for extensive periods of time.
  • Once a game has been hosted, all players are required to play the game out until one of the kings dies.
  • Unsigning during player drafting is forbidden.

    Build Provisions
  • All players must build on their own lane and cannot build a tower that will attack and pull a creep from the opposite lane.
  • You are only allowed to build 1 tower space into the dark green area , no further, without being able to pull opposition towers.
  • If a player pulls creeps while not building at dark green area, whether to be punished or not will depend on a moderator's per case judgement. If pulling continuously happens due to a tower, it is recommended that it is sold immediately.

  • If a player disconnects prior to ending of level 20, it is mandatory to !draw the game, unless every player agrees to play on.
  • If a player disconnects after level 20, then !draw is optional.

  • If a player disconnects during a game, a DC penalty will be enforced where the disconnected player will lose elo and the remaining players will gain an equal parts of that elo.
  • DC penalty will only be applied if the game was successfully drawn, reported within 24 hours on the forum by one who played the game, and once approved by a moderator.
  • Do not leave the game before the King has died since leaving shortly earlier can result in bugged stats.

  • When pausing, a player should always inform everyone why he is doing so and for how long. The game can always be paused upon a moderator's request to do a screenshot test.
  • Do not unpause unless every player is ready.
  • After a player has been away from the keyboard longer than 5 minutes (use !afk to check), he can be kicked without question.
  • The use of pause is not allowed to discuss strategies.
  • Do not pause the game in an attempt to hinder the gameplay. For example, to prevent someone from healing the king or to prevent the opposing team from sending.

  • All anti-stuck usage is prohibited, unless creeps are actually stuck.

    King Juggling
    Every form of juggling exploiting king's attack mechanics to gain more time and resources is banned (attacks should generally be smooth and uninterrupted).
  • Do not juggle the king preventing or delaying him from attacking or killing units.
  • Do not re-select target(s) to cancel king's attack animation and repeat.
  • Do not toggle king's autocast on and off.

    Bugs & Glitches
  • Any exploitation of game mechanics which results in a glitch or bug is forbidden.

  • All players must be in the game before any swaps are made.
  • All players must agree to the swap.
  • Any flaming/abuse/'convincing' with regards to getting a player to agree will not be tolerated.
  • Players have the right to disagree at any time, meaning that if a player agrees in the channel, then he does not need to agree in the lobby.
  • Trial players can never be swapped, so they all end up on the same team.

  • One veto is enough to reject a player from observing a game, however, the observer spot may not be denied to moderators or players who were not yet vouched before.
  • If the observer refuses to leave the lobby despite being vetoed, votekick him or draw and rehost the game.
  • Observers must not comment on strategies or ghost.
  • Observers may not ping under any circumstances.
  • If a player wishes, he may pause the game without hindering gameplay and request the game owner to !mute the observer(s) at any time.

  • The use of !start force is forbidden to prevent bugged stats.
  • Do not abuse !owner commands (!mute, !swap, etc.)
  • Do not !ignore more than 1 teammate. Doing so will mean that you refuse to communicate and teamwork.

-Merc and clog rules were removed.
-Added few new rules based staff discussion and public discussions.
-Edited phrasing for better understanding.
-!ff will be disabled once again.
-wiki rule page has also been updated.
Clan High@useast

  • Check the wiki for ENT rules and general information.
  • Talk to mods on ENT chat.
  • Host games through our bots, Manage your stats, Secure your account(s), and check your ban status on ENT LINK.

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Re: LIHL Rule Update

Postby supersexyy » Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:28 am

Can you filter/highlight the updates?
One veto is enough to reject a player from observing a game, however, the observer spot may not be denied to moderators or players who were not yet vouched before.
implies making an aka makes you invulnerable to being kicked.

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Re: LIHL Rule Update

Postby Miyagi » Wed Sep 02, 2015 9:22 am

supersexyy wrote:Can you filter/highlight the updates?
One veto is enough to reject a player from observing a game, however, the observer spot may not be denied to moderators or players who were not yet vouched before.
implies making an aka makes you invulnerable to being kicked.

What they mean is that players who have a vouch request opened, but must have the 5 required obs game to be accepted are granted an obs spot if they wish to observe that particular game.

I have a question about drawing pre 20.

If the player in question, disconnected during a send round, where it is clear that they are going to lose, are the players still required to draw the game, or can they see past that round to see if they win the game before coming to the conclusion of drawing.

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Re: LIHL Rule Update

Postby V1rus » Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:31 am

If the dc'd player already used heal. (and his king up won't make a huge difference) You can wait and see if they survive or not. Absolutly.
If he still has heal and it might be close. U have to draw it.

(If the teams completly disagree if the king would survive or not...draw it and post replay and the mods will look at it)
But try to come to a fair conclusion yourself whenever possible please.

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Re: LIHL Rule Update

Postby nabo. » Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:58 pm

Changes were highlighted on wiki: ... oldid=1366

Also, !ff has been disabled again.
Clan High@useast

  • Check the wiki for ENT rules and general information.
  • Talk to mods on ENT chat.
  • Host games through our bots, Manage your stats, Secure your account(s), and check your ban status on ENT LINK.

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