[LOD] Glitch Abuse

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[LOD] Glitch Abuse

Postby javierbrown2008 » Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:47 am

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 457520.w3g
Game Name: [ENT] LoD -sdems6bod2 #13
Your Warcraft III Username: jaggecrown
Violator's Warcraft III Username: coffeeincafe
Violated Rule(s): Glitch abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Min. 22
Any further thoughts: mirana glitches out and becomes perma invunerable. Nothign stops her, chrono, call, stuns, nothign.. cant click on her.. Not sure if egg caused it, but after ti, i couldnt egg her again.

did nothing to NOT abuse it.. Dove towers and fountain just to try and kill them. Sat in base slowly ending the game and ruining for everyone there. Should know better having that many games.. Even says glitch abuse is bannable right at front of start screen.

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Re: [LOD] Glitch Abuse

Postby Yue » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:26 am

Guess who created this glitch? It was you! You didn't type draw, neither did you tried to end the game. You didn't type to votekick me in the beginning, not until the very end of the game, when I'm attacking the throne trying to finish to game faster. You are very hypocritical, and your game performance reveals your character. I did not want the glitch, and I did not expect that. I rather had killed that prophet, if you retard did not egged me cuz of ur clumsy hands.

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Re: [LOD] Glitch Abuse

Postby Yue » Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:32 am

You said you are not sure if egg caused it, why don't u check replay? " Dove towers and fountain just to try and kill them", didn't you see that Thrall hook me into towers? Cuz you are blind? Just like you didn't saw placing the ward on the ground?

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Re: [LOD] Glitch Abuse

Postby javierbrown2008 » Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:06 am

Who abused the glitch... You..

Egg has never created a glitch like that where i've seen it.. And i tried to egg again to take it off and couldnt.. You are the only one who abused it.. And we all tried to kick you several times after the glitch was there. You dove past the 2nd tower mid and continued to attack them, even when chrono'd... thats pure glitch abuse.

Using egg on you to unintentionally give you invulnerability isnt bannable kid. What you did after you found out is. Proof is proof... you abused a glitch and thats all there is to it.

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Re: [LOD] Glitch Abuse

Postby javierbrown2008 » Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:08 am

Also, why would i want to draw a game that we had dominated so much on..without you.... by the time you were glitched, our mid was already very fed, and i was 3/0/8 or soemthing like that.. WITHOUT your glitch... so why should we draw a game just bc one person...YOU... decides your going to be an ass and break the rule and abuse your glitch.. You stood in there base by towers for about 15 minutes and couldnt be targeted... you knew perfectly well what you were doing..


funny how you prove that you KNOW you did wrong and broke the rules, simply bc you made your first forum account here just to respond to your ban request.. 2 posts, all in this request just proves your in the wrong...

have fun with that.

i didnt break the rules...you did...

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Re: [LOD] Glitch Abuse

Postby smurf » Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:20 am

yep he 100% broke the rule. he knows the rules. so many games played.

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Re: [LOD] Glitch Abuse

Postby Yue » Sat Sep 12, 2015 1:35 am

I told you to check replay. The glitch was created by your egg, and you can't deny that! You said you "all" tried to kick me after glitch, so why wasn't I kicked? You guys should had draw the game after all, and it's your choice to continue that game. I was trying to end it faster. You didn't owe them, in fact, you were pretty useless in that game. You said the mid was feed, and you guys gonna win. I would say that u guy had no chance to win without me. Purple's backtrack was glitched, he has like 80% chance to trigger backtrack every time he got attacked (I assume purple realized that, but he didn't say), so there is no way that you guys can kill him, and you didn't even realized that.

"You stood in there base by towers for about 15 minutes and couldn't be targeted... you knew perfectly well what you were doing." So what else, should I be doing that is not going to break the rule? Its already being glitched. I tried to end the game, but u guys seemed very reluctant to do so. We should draw that game, why do you think I should leave and get banned?

I made this account long time ago, and I saw your post when I was checking the rule.

After all, you didn't even check the replay. You obviously don't know what's going on in the game. You are just saying that I broke the rule, so why don't you send me the rule that I broke?

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Re: [LOD] Glitch Abuse

Postby zehk » Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:17 am

I think you should have tried not to be a part of game after you became 'godly'. You could just sit back, relax and enjoy watching team fights as a sort of observer ;) I mean there's nothing wrong with your hero being glitched because you didn't even want it. But knowing that your hero became invulnerable, you kept on pushing. So it seems like a glitch exploit because you used rather unfair advantage to end the game, or could be said, to win the game.

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Re: [LOD] Glitch Abuse

Postby smurf » Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:47 am

coffeeincafe quoted, We should draw that game. funny how he didnt even vote to draw the game. LOL

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Re: [LOD] Glitch Abuse

Postby Yue » Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:37 pm

“coffeeincafe quoted, We should draw that game. funny how he didnt even vote to draw the game. LOL” How am I going to draw it? We need five more people to draw the game. I remember only two people voted to draw.
BTW were you even in the game? What is your ID?

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Re: [LOD] Glitch Abuse

Postby HazarDous » Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:43 pm

Locked until review.


Re: [LOD] Glitch Abuse

Postby Hatedmaru » Wed Oct 07, 2015 10:01 pm

After reviewing:

Banning coffeeincafe@useast.battle.net for 5 days.

Thanks for reporting


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