Lan ENT connect

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Lan ENT connect

Postby LatinChamp » Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:56 pm

Hi, I was using entconnect on a friend's house and when we both started using it at the same time it all started working wrong.
When I joined a game I had his Nickname, sometimes he could be able to connect and I couldn't connect to that game (when we joined separately we both had the same nick) and when we could join we had the other one nick.. I tried opening ports, looked if lan ip was different and it was all well displayed

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Re: Lan ENT connect

Postby nabo. » Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:02 pm

Multiple players on the same network or ip cannot use entconnect. Only one can.

Do you not own a valid copy of wc3?

If so, other people should connect through eurobattle or garena probably.
Clan High@useast

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