lihl multiple !sign option

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Re: lihl multiple !sign option

Postby Jubadus » Sat Oct 10, 2015 4:52 pm

Can you also make it so players can not be signed in 2 games at the same time? I have watched this happen a couple times in the past week and it screws 1 game up every time. @nabo.

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Re: lihl multiple !sign option

Postby supersexyy » Mon Oct 12, 2015 7:25 am

Players shouldn't be signing to two games at the same time regardless of what the signing mechanics are.

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Re: lihl multiple !sign option

Postby nabo. » Mon Oct 12, 2015 4:24 pm

Topics been up for 10 days. This is what I got so far:

1) Create commands !sign !sign2 !sign3 (!sign being for 4v4) !unsign !unsign2 !unsign3
-Two signs can happen, but if !sign is initiated !sign3 cannot be initiated and vice versa, but !sign2 can be initiated (Can make a 3s or 4s and a 2s)
-If someone signs to a 4s or 3s, he cannot sign to a 2s also and vice versa. (get a msg such as "You are already signed to a 3s")
I think this will be better than current system, but who knows. We can create a backup of current plugin and roll back if needed.

2) Create !voteautobal
-75% rounded-up votes needed (due to autostart)
-obs votes not counted
-Once vote passed, when the game is full and before starting, players will be autobalanced and sorted accordinly
-For lihl: cases where people are swapped to start a game instead of rehosting (ex. 3v3 to a 4v4). Prob a lot easier than doing the math yourselves or not even bothering.
-For pubs: give people the choice to play autobal games

3) !voteswap x y (x y slots)
-100% votes needed
-obs votes not counted
-Remove !swap owner's command from lihl bot, so we eliminate possible misunderstanding/drama from bad communication.
-A rule stating that !voteswap is only allowed when game is full will probably be needed

If no major objections within the next 2-3 days, will suggest these for implementation.
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Re: lihl multiple !sign option

Postby Dong » Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:31 pm

nabo. wrote:Topics been up for 10 days. This is what I got so far:

1) Create commands !sign !sign2 !sign3 (!sign being for 4v4) !unsign !unsign2 !unsign3
-Two signs can happen, but if !sign is initiated !sign3 cannot be initiated and vice versa, but !sign2 can be initiated (Can make a 3s or 4s and a 2s)
-If someone signs to a 4s or 3s, he cannot sign to a 2s also and vice versa. (get a msg such as "You are already signed to a 3s")
I think this will be better than current system, but who knows. We can create a backup of current plugin and roll back if needed.

2) Create !voteautobal
-75% rounded-up votes needed (due to autostart)
-obs votes not counted
-Once vote passed, when the game is full and before starting, players will be autobalanced and sorted accordinly
-For lihl: cases where people are swapped to start a game instead of rehosting (ex. 3v3 to a 4v4). Prob a lot easier than doing the math yourselves or not even bothering.
-For pubs: give people the choice to play autobal games

3) !voteswap x y (x y slots)
-100% votes needed
-obs votes not counted
-Remove !swap owner's command from lihl bot, so we eliminate possible misunderstanding/drama from bad communication.
-A rule stating that !voteswap is only allowed when game is full will probably be needed

If no major objections within the next 2-3 days, will suggest these for implementation.

Looks good to me :)
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Re: lihl multiple !sign option

Postby pewpew lasergun » Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:45 pm


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Re: lihl multiple !sign option

Postby Jubadus » Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:22 pm


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Re: lihl multiple !sign option

Postby SLSGuennter » Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:31 pm

Gunther and the Sunshine-Girls. Hell Yeah

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Re: lihl multiple !sign option

Postby nabo. » Thu Oct 15, 2015 2:27 pm

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