- Do not abuse the -kick command as red on any player. -There's a command for red only that can kick pretty much any player.
- Do not use the -fog command as red unless consented by 75% of the players. -There's a command for red that will enable fog and the angel arena series isn't a fog-friendly map.
- Do not abuse any form of Blink Abuse below: -Certain heroes have a global blink.
-To blink into an invulnerable spot of the map. -There are waiting periods for certain bosses that render them invulnerable until respawned, which can be blinked into.
-To blink into the enemies base at all. -More like spawn killing but it's a place that shouldn't be entered in at all.
-To blink outside during the arena and kill any of the bosses. -During the arena, anyone with a hero can blink outside and kill any boss in the game without them attacking. - Do not abuse the in-game command ''jesus christ''. -People initially use this command to suicide and go back to base if they're either far away or too lazy but if abused can constantly give the enemy teams +kills.
- Do not use the -name feature to impersonate any ENT bot/staff. -I know this is mentioned in the general rules but there is a -name feature for all players and just want it clarified here.
- Do not item steal from your allies. -Most regulars like to use Risk but it drops in the base, not into the heroes inventory and I'd like this clarified as-well.
- Do not camp in the secret shop area for more than 10 minutes. -Secret shop is also one of the invulnerable areas, unable to be killed.
- Do not intentionally run into the anti-spawn camp towers.
Please note the red text is my reason why they should be rules.
@nabo. @aRt)Y