[DOTA] [xprincess uswest.battle.net, buahaha useast.battle.net]

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[DOTA] [xprincess uswest.battle.net, buahaha useast.battle.net]

Postby umsong33 » Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:04 am

Replay Link[http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/view_replay.php?file=6570187.w3g]:
[b]Game Name[[ENT] DotA apem us/ca #3]:
[b]Your Warcraft III Username[peanut @ us east]:
[b]Violator's Warcraft III Username[buahaha for feeding, xprincess for not voting,]:
[b]Violated Rule(s)[player buahaha intentionally feeding in the mid lane from the start of the game, opponents team would not kick even though he fed mid 5x within the first 5mins. walking all the way down to second tower at level 1.]:
[b]Time of Violation (in-game or replay)[03:20 / All) BloodMoney: A votekick against player [Buahaha] has been started by player [BloodMoney]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(03:20 / All) BloodMoney: Type !yes to vote.
(03:20 / All) BloodMoney: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(03:21 / All) BloodMoney: !yes
(03:23 / Allied) gnuel: !yes
(03:23 / All) BloodMoney: Player [gnuel] voted to kick player [Buahaha]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
(03:23 / All) StopYourQQing: kick him feeding on purpose
(03:24 / Allied) largesac_patel: !yes
(03:24 / All) BloodMoney: Player [largesac_patel] voted to kick player [Buahaha]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(03:24 / All) peanut: or banned
(03:25 / All) BloodMoney: !yes
(03:26 / Allied) StopYourQQing: !yes
(03:26 / All) BloodMoney: Player [StopYourQQing] voted to kick player [Buahaha]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(03:28 / Allied) lInZhEnTK: !yes
(03:28 / All) BloodMoney: Player [lInZhEnTK] voted to kick player [Buahaha]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(03:28 / Allied) rhdrks2: !yes
(03:28 / All) BloodMoney: Player [rhdrks2] voted to kick player [Buahaha]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(03:28 / All) BloodMoney: !yes it
(03:29 / All) war-machine: !yes
(03:29 / All) BloodMoney: Player [war-machine] voted to kick player [Buahaha]. 1 more votes are needed to pass.
(03:29 / All) BloodMoney: !yes
(03:30 / All) BloodMoney: !yes or banned
(03:33 / All) BloodMoney: Player [BloodMoney] is saving the game.
(03:33 / Saving game ?) BloodMoney: Save game.
(03:39 / All) BloodMoney: !yes
(03:39 / All) peanut: rofl enjoy ban
(03:42 / All) gnuel: was purp
(03:45 / All) BloodMoney: Purple
(03:48 / All) BloodMoney: You will get banned
(03:50 / All) BloodMoney: if u dont type !yes
(03:51) largesac_patel killed rhdrks2
(03:55 / All) BloodMoney: !yes it
(03:56 / All) BloodMoney: hes feeding
(04:15 / All) BloodMoney: A votekick against player [Buahaha] has expired]:
[b]Any further thoughts

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Re: [DOTA] [xprincess uswest.battle.net, buahaha useast.battle.net]

Postby getstomped » Sat Oct 03, 2015 12:14 am

buahaha banned 2 weeks for game ruining by purposefully feeding deaths mid.

he was kicked after 4 deaths. not banning initial nonvoters considering scourge still won.

pm me if any questions.
Your = Belonging (ex. Your hat, your hero)
You're = You are (ex. You're banned)

There = Location (ex. Get there fast)
Their = Belonging (ex. Their hero, their item)
They're = They are (ex. They're not helping, They're banned)


Re: [DOTA] [xprincess uswest.battle.net, buahaha useast.battle.net]

Postby Mercy » Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:33 am

No dodge


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