Change for Faerie Fire

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Re: Change for Faerie Fire

Postby ShadowZz » Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:51 pm

Sigh. As usual Burn can't help but flame me in his post. Maybe one day he'll grow up and simply post about the topic but who knows.....

You cast faerie fire on an enemy unit to gain vision of it. Read the tootip on the spell. If you cast it on a critter meaning that you have cast it on an enemy (the critter) then the enemy of the critter is you. Hense the unit can be seen by the enemy (you). It's a Wc3 spell. It's not rocket science.

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Re: Change for Faerie Fire

Postby Burn » Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:56 pm

Sigh. Please stop trying to argue and trying to play the devil's advocate just this one time in your entire life, stop being stubborn. Think outside the box.

The buff is on the crab. It is red. This means that it is a negative buff for the crab and no-one else, not the caster. Please play more games of wc3 before you reference wc3 mechanics. As usual, you try to feign ignorance in your knowledge in WC3 with over-confidence.

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Re: Change for Faerie Fire

Postby Neco » Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:02 pm

Wow guys calm down. This is just a tool tip geez...

I'll put it in the list of things to change...
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Re: Change for Faerie Fire

Postby NotYacapo » Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:07 pm

just change the word "enemy" to "builders" and you're good.

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