ShadowZz wrote:Just a query.... Stalling for titan is ban-able under the constraints that the titan has no chance to win the game. In the "stalling" situations were talking about the builder has no chance to win the game. All he has is the chance to spend 10mins walling himself in and nethering or wall-walking until tp is off cd. He has no chance of winning. His only chance in to stall until he dies (eventually). The problem comes when most people who don't care about elo would simply leave vs a staller builder because it's pointless and it ruins the game. If one builder who has no chance of winning and is not trying to win by definition because there simply evading death instead of trying to kill the titan via a base for example. Then they are intentionally ruining the game no?
If your running around with no intent of killing the titan and only to survive then you are not trying to win. Technically they should be banned under a different rule but to be honest I'd just add it to the stalling.
Question: If someone starts to stall the game as demo walling in solo and nethering. If IO go sit afk at mound for 20mins then I can know be banned for stalling because I'm intentionally not trying to win as per the current rules, correct? Because a builder can't stall and the only person stalling in that scenario would be the titan, correct?
A builder's objective more isn't to win, but to survive. Yes, when there's down to 5- builders and they're all either cramped in a base or mega fed enough to equal their summon power to the titan then, that'd be a more standoff/winning scenario but in most cases, builders initial goal is to survive against the titan. Every builder evades death from the titan, they win by towers/summons, not by melee'ing them to death. If a builder spends 10 minutes trying to evade death with the intention to survive, then that's pretty much the goal also, no?
As aRt)Y said, we don't ban wall walking and that's an easily evasion from titan just off pure skill whether it be down to 1v1 or 10v1, or when people leave mound to evade death of a possible WW/returning titan. Yes, it's beginning game and people won't just suicide obviously the goal is to win/survive, but how should that be any different from late game? A demon's goal is to support/survive, he still holds that same intent even after 10-20 minutes. Besides, who's to say he's not trying to win by gaining 90g and growing more powerful? Again though, any titan with a basic knowledge of consumables can easily prevent any of this.
Going off the ''protect new titans'' or ''make the game more attracting'' isn't it attracting already to know you're in the superior spot against a lone builder with no where to run but to hide in bases? Implying that, you're new of course. A new titan would easily be as partially confused as he was in the beginning then he is in the end, also, I hardly doubt a new titan can even put himself in this type of position. Though, if there's a replay out there of a 1v1 against a
completely new titan and a demo/support. Do share.