[ID] Multiple Players

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[ID] Multiple Players

Postby dlNO » Wed Nov 11, 2015 9:16 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=6766484
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #5
Your Warcraft III Username: peterbob@useast.battle.net
Violator's Warcraft III Username: Multiple Players (6?)
Violated Rule(s): Votekick abuse
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): To be safe, 19 minutes into the game. But about 30 seconds before I was votekicked at 20:20.

Any further thoughts:
I WAS attacking a player's building, though it was harmless like a bug to a wind shield.
All I was doing was practicing my orb walking.
(ORB WALKING EXAMPLE: A swordsman is chasing u, an archer. Orbwalking is to shoot. then run, then shoot, then run, and so on to avoid melee conflict or any form of walking inbetween attacks)
Sure, I was decreasing the HP of their BACK ROW towers, though I wasn't destroying them. Those type of towers regenerate without any action, without siphoning a player(s) resources.
Though their health points were decreasing, the enemy didn't have the slightest chance of coming into range of finishing off the injured towers. Knowing this, I chose to practice on the BACK ROW towers, while I awaited for my teleport escape skill to go off cooldown.

I didn't do anything to jeopardize the win, they simply snapped and didn't even give me any time to explain myself. From their first warning to the moment the votekick began I perhaps had 5 seconds to react, though I thought they were joking. Then before I knew it, maybe in another 5 seconds, I was kicked.

I understand if you won't ban them due to the fact that my actions were... unsightly?.. again, as a bug is on a windshield, EVEN THOUGH they were just as HARMLESS as such. But please, at least inform them that I didn't have any intent to ruin our chances of victory. If this happens to take the form of the ban, I will 100% support it.
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Re: [ID] Multiple Players

Postby wastedlandering » Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:12 am

oh yeah i can

FreePeterPan wrote: idiot neco didn't even implement blinky, how could you thank him? He had over a week to do it.

IamGiantRetard wrote:
Should someone come up with an (actual) idea for Blinky the Steamroller

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Re: [ID] Multiple Players

Postby PrincessLindsey » Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:28 am

Do not rage up @wastedlandering just wait the adminator
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Re: [ID] Multiple Players

Postby Hash » Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:06 am

Dlno sees it as harmless that he was attacking our towers, but he didnt stop when we asked him to. Also by attacking our towers he was blocking our main lane, as well as being in nuke bounce range to our defenders, putting us at risk.

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Re: [ID] Multiple Players

Postby dlNO » Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:38 am

As I previously stated, I wasn't give ample time to respond. 2nd, both lanes were identical, at that point of time, only once the titan was to strike and reveal his attack pattern would we be able to label either as the "main lane." (attack pattern, which walls he destroys first) And I wasn't in nuke range... I believe, could be wrong though since I'm still rusty having only come back to this game last week. (you said "nuke bounce range" though I personally am referring to the titan being able to nuke me directly from his possible position at the current time of the.... incident. He would have to break a couple of walls to be within range, giving me much time to avoid the nuke.)
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Re: [ID] Multiple Players

Postby Hash » Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:59 am

In beach base, the bottom lane is always considered the "main lane" since being in the top lane puts the builder significantly closer in nuke range. I believe we gave him ample time stop his actions, yet refusal led to us having to vote-kick him for our safety.

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Re: [ID] Multiple Players

Postby idtitan » Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:02 am

Sounds like a grievance over miscommunication. D1no should have let you know ahead of time imo. However i can understand the difficulty by his part to illustrate his behavior in a short about of time.



Edit: could of had a voice chat ^_^

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Re: [ID] Multiple Players

Postby dlNO » Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:50 am

The bottom lane isn't "always" considered the main lane. If the titan attacks down then to the left, the top lane can be considered the main lane.
Now please ignore these comments on about the "main lane", as they are irrelevant to this topic, I apologize for responding to it.
Please stop the bickering on which is stronger or weaker. I am sorry for responding to you in the first place, I should have at least used a P.S. and denoted its irrelevance at once. I saw your claim, responded with my true thoughts, and forgot about it, not thinking about the bigger picture. I apologize. Though yet again. I would like to denounce how none of this is relevant.
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Re: [ID] Multiple Players

Postby dlNO » Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:00 am

I don't see why my personal endeavors should be announced. In retrospect, I do agree, since at first glance I can see how a player can see me as TKing, though I already provided my thoughts on this. However I will repeat, this is only at first glance. Once you realize how harmless I really was, their instant vote kick was hasty, careless.
Last edited by dlNO on Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [ID] Multiple Players

Postby Merex » Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:01 am

19:42 Told to stop by FullMeltHash
-Still continuing-
19:52 Votekick initiated
-Leave base, build/cancel wall, goes back inside base-
Votekicked shortly after 20:00.
Basically, you were told to stop whether you were doing some mysterious method of entertainment or not. He did tell you to stop and a full 10 seconds you still continued, wasn't until the votekick until you decided to stop at which then the towers were already damaged pretty low - Despite no real violation taking place, they were under the assumption you were gonna TK and by re-entering the base near the towers again, they did it out of safety from towers being TK'd.

tl;dr If you're gonna entertain yourself, damaging others towers in their own base isn't a bright idea.

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