Games List

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Games List

Postby HolyBear » Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:07 am

I know you probably heard this from a lot of people, warcraft 3 isn't that popular anymore. We got 2 BIG DOGS, BGN and ENT. with a couple semi big clans that autohost games. When I look at the games games.php you got hosting, a bunch got no games hosted. Could be you resently reset the bots, it was popular for a while or its an over hosted game like dota.
You have 21 Dota bots. Thats just you, not counting other bots. Do we really need that? I'm sure you are probably the only person in charge of all the bots, controlling them, it takes time.

My suggestions is cut some games! Cut a could dota games, some other maps that have been in lobby a couple days without hosting anything, or just lower the amount of people required to start the game. Please don't take this negatively, I am just saying this how I see it.

EDIT: I'm not sure how good your speed is on the bots, how well you have then set up and all, but this could also help with lag reduction, you got a bunch of bots hostings, cutting a few might help with it. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=6478


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Re: Games List

Postby teller55 » Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:07 am Almost all of the DotA bots host many games a day with the lowest at 15 games a week.

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Re: Games List

Postby uakf.b » Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:14 am

Lag is unrelated to number of bots, they're all on different servers.

Most of the DotA maps get many players. The reason we have that many is because we have some bots with autobalancing and also have bots in Europe for European players; so when you consider that we don't actually have that many. The DotA bots pretty much are all used frequently.

Most of our bots are played, some bots like tree tag we keep because those are the games that ENT started with (thus the name, ENT). If you find a bot that doesn't seem to be used then please post in Suggestions and we'll see about getting rid of it.

Also note that you can filter the gamelist to show only non-empty lobbies.
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Re: Games List

Postby VirusHunter » Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:18 pm

hey uakf.b this really is trivial but could you also make it so you could filter it so it shows only dota games?
edit: also i would put the filters on the top so you dont have to scroll all the way down to select them. however this is just imo. i think its fine the way it is right now aswell.
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