Suggestion for Draw Rule

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Change mandatory draw rule to level 15?

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Suggestion for Draw Rule

Postby cam_breezy » Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:45 am

The Current Drawing Rule:

If a player disconnects prior to ending of level 20, it is mandatory to !draw the game, unless every player agrees to play on.
If a player disconnects after level 20, then !draw is optional.
(unwritten rule: The only exception is if the level has started)

My suggestion is that the new rule be for level 15. Basically if demons are unlocked, then no mandatory draw.

Most games that reach 15 are about 30 minutes in, forcing a mandatory draw is a huge upset for a lot of us because by then
most of us know which team is going to win at that point.

Being the mannered league that it is.... teams can still agree on draw.

But in the rare case where team is about to lose in 30 seconds and someone dc's. They are not unvouched for 3 days because of a stupid flaw in the rules.

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Re: Suggestion for Draw Rule

Postby TinSoldier » Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:38 am

I don't think there is an issue with the rule, but even if it says "mandatory" to draw players should also show some discretion. Did we break a rule? Yes. Are players forced to report each other everytime a rule is broken? No.

3 elo is not compensation enough for me for a 55 minute game that was 15 seconds from being won.

Rather why do we have the rule such that post-20 the game doesn't have to be drawn? My understanding is that it is because players would be angry having to draw a game after playing it for so long. Well most games that are 55+ minutes go up to level 20, but due to the amount of leaks in our game it took us 55 minutes to get to 17.

Thus if there should be any revision to the rule, it should be that the draw rule should not be based on the level, but the amount of time that has elapsed in game.

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Re: Suggestion for Draw Rule

Postby 1005 » Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:58 am

I think the draw rule, should be re-written and adding:
If a player disconnected, and the send will be the next level. No draw unless they survive it.

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Re: Suggestion for Draw Rule

Postby SLSGuennter » Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:23 pm

1005 wrote:I think the draw rule, should be re-written and adding:
If a player disconnected, and the send will be the next level. No draw unless they survive it.

Hard to survive 3vs4 send though.
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Re: Suggestion for Draw Rule

Postby nabo. » Wed Nov 18, 2015 2:39 pm

iiStyLes wrote:I don't think there is an issue with the rule, but even if it says "mandatory" to draw players should also show some discretion. Did we break a rule? Yes. Are players forced to report each other everytime a rule is broken? No.
The way I see it, the purpose of dc penalty is to minimize pp cases.
3 elo is not compensation enough for me for a 55 minute game that was 15 seconds from being won.

Well, honestly the concept of taking elo for disconnection and giving some elo for "your time" is kinda meh seeing elo is suppose to be a rating of one's skill. Anyway, you should play to have fun, foremost. I would honestly remove the +3 elo.
Rather why do we have the rule such that post-20 the game doesn't have to be drawn? My understanding is that it is because players would be angry having to draw a game after playing it for so long. Well most games that are 55+ minutes go up to level 20, but due to the amount of leaks in our game it took us 55 minutes to get to 17.

I did suggest before to be able to draw any level even past lvl 20, but the community wanted to be able to refuse to draw dcs after lvl 20.
Thus if there should be any revision to the rule, it should be that the draw rule should not be based on the level, but the amount of time that has elapsed in game.
Every level is avg 2 minutes. Whether we base on levels or time, should be relatively similar. Do suggest a time though.

Will be adding a line about draw rule stating that players may refuse to draw if the level has already started and the game is decided on the level a player disconnects.
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Re: Suggestion for Draw Rule

Postby TinSoldier » Thu Nov 19, 2015 7:35 am

[/quote] Every level is avg 2 minutes. Whether we base on levels or time, should be relatively similar. Do suggest a time though.

Going by the 2 minute average, 40-45 minutes in my opinion would be a fair time frame. Although the only issue I can think of with this is how will players know how much time is elapsed, considering the game could be paused in between, or if you have to type !games it doesn't discount the amount of time spent in the lobby etc.

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Re: Suggestion for Draw Rule

Postby 1005 » Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:15 am

Guennter wrote:
1005 wrote:I think the draw rule, should be re-written and adding:
If a player disconnected, and the send will be the next level. No draw unless they survive it.

Hard to survive 3vs4 send though.

This is true, but you are reducing people abusing pp. Also, players are complaining about playing 35+ minutes and getting 3 Elo is not justified.

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Re: Suggestion for Draw Rule

Postby nabo. » Fri Nov 20, 2015 4:40 pm

Suggestion denied.
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