Age: 21
Game moderator specialty (see below for choices): ENT Moderator (LTD, DotA/LoD, and most other games)
Brief introduction: I'm an engineering student and besides gaming I like to listen to music a lot or read some books. From time to time i jam around with friends i know from when i used to play drums (had to stop it sadly). And if i dont do any of this i'm sleeping or hang out with friends. And i work several jobs beside studying, depending on what i get and the time here (I live in a village with (too) much tourists in the summer months)
What are your current hours of playing time (approximate):
Maybe 3 hours per day but way more in forum
What is your current time zone:
Describe any relevant experience, both in moderating and in Warcraft III:
I never was a mod before. Just managed big groups of players in several games since i'm 16. (haven't done it the past 1,5 years anymore)
Why do you want to become a game moderator:
I started to WC3 like 2 years back after a long break of a few years. I quickly got into LTD and appreciated the quality of ENT games more and more. Now I'm a player who plays here very often, I like this community and that's actually the main reason why i want to become a mod. Because i want to help to keep this quality up, or even help to increase it in the future. And i found out that i realy like to review such ban requests And as i'm a friendly and helpful person i know that I will do great.
What will you bring to the ENT/Warcraft III community:
I'm able to review most ban requests that are posted here. I'm a helpful player (ingame and here in chat) and my attitude is a good one. And i'm pretty active, even in chat as i study from home most of the time i can always look if someone needs help (especially on times where most of the mods are asleep or busy with RL stuff it's a good thing.)
Closing Statement:
I would really enjoy it to help this community more then i'm able to right now and i'm willing to learn and invest more time. My activity will stay like it was the past weeks or even increase.
Since applied i have become more confident with the rules/my judgements then i was before. I removed all ambiguities I had and increased my DRM skills and skills about DotA/LoD games. And the time i need to review has shortened. If i was you i would give me a try now
These 20 banrequests show most common violations, I tried to pick some that doesnt look too boring. Actually i barely find any request which would be compeletly new to me, even special uncommon cases were done. I added all my requests i contributed in below. They're assorted by date, after the first few days i found my way how to write things down here and it doesnt really changed since then. (except the color of the violators as the "old" blue i used to choose looks terrible on the dark forum )
LTD (especially 9 + 10)
DotA / LoD
All request i contributed in