Ban Appeal

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Ban Appeal

Postby Thandrin » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:20 am

Your Warcraft III username: Thandrin
Realm/Gateway: USEAST
Why are you banned: Autobanned too many times in a short period.
Why you should be unbanned:
At the time of these autobans I was using a MAC which did not allow the use of gproxy despite many exhausted efforts trying to get to work, (I am still trying, and will make a request in tech support about this issue).
The issue was strange, I was connected via ethernet cable for more reliability, even completing many games without issue.
Though in a period of time I was getting a strange d/c that I had no experienced before. (again maybe tech support can help with this issue as well)
Details being, mid game counter would stop, though no timeout popped up to indicate I was lagging, Indeed I could still navigate and select units, (even whisper to players on my team if they were experiencing the same thing) though they only saw my timeout on their screen.
I never disconnected from completely, though eventually it would say disconnected from game.
After this happened I tried to configure some of my routers settings to find the issue, I thought I solved it a number of times, going back and forth in 1v1 test matches for instance to see. Basically my router gave my ethernet IP a 0 second dhcp lease for some reason, which I thought making a static IP would solve *micro connects* I also tried using google public dns settings and numerous other methods but still the same issue happening in-concurrently. No solution has been found.

With all that said, I have repaired my laptop PC and am now back using GProxy so this is no longer an issue for me. Maybe something tech support can help with in the future.
I have had much more stable connections since gproxy has been an option for me.

Please lift this ban.


Re: Ban Appeal

Postby Larz » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:26 am

You have had 6 auto bans in the last ten days. Normally I would have you sit this one out but since you seemed to have put a lot of thought into this I will un ban you this time.

If it happens again any time soon you will have to sit it out do not make me regret my decision.

!approved Happy Gaming

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