Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby nabo. » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:21 pm

Wc3 will still be played. Just because you wont play ltd, doesnt mean others wont.
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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby milfhunter96 » Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:06 pm

So do u want to make all Units even that u can play with every tower? Or do u just want to adjust just best/worst ones? Do we want to change ltd that much that u cant get a shitty roll? Thats a huge differnence of playstyle imo

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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby Akitos » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:17 pm

I hope that this is not what they're aiming for, because then the game would be insanely boring. To me bad rolls/towers are part of the game and should never be completly eliminated. Having good rolls every single time would remove a big skill factor of the game, which is doing well on a bad roll and making the best out of it.
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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby Qvist » Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:24 pm

do you know what a balance patch is?

Dota/HoN/LOL all have balance patches every month or so..
What they do in HoN is they often look on the strong versus the weak heroes and tries to tweak some things about them to get them more close to each other.

This is not hon or Dota but this is legion td, and there are some unplayable units / bugged units which need a rework or change.

I already uploaded a suggestion on how to change summons a bit:

These arent dramatically but worth a look:

This is my first balance input: () this mean change.

I will start with summons, since I think this is the most easy part to do.

1. Militia (50 Medium HP; 5-5 Normal DMG; 1.0 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 20 lumber.

2. Bowman (70 Light HP; 8-10 Pierce DMG; 0.9 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 40 lumber.

3. Ghoul (105 Medium HP; 10-14 Normal DMG; 1.0 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 40 lumber.

4. Warrior (155 Heavy HP; 21-23 Normal DMG; 1.30 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 60 lumber.

5. Whelp (260 Light HP; 37-41 PDMG; 1.40 AS)
Bad, does need changes, it does not do anything. (Change attack DMG to magic and make attack speed slightly faster around 1.20)

6. Hermit (230 Light HP; 25-27 Magic DMG; 1.1 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 100 lumber.

7. Dino (275 Medium HP; 31-35 Pierce DMG; 1.0 AS)
Bad, need a slight change. (I would reduce the wood prize to 105 lumber and reduce the amount of HP to 245)

8. Commander (260 Fortified HP; 30-32+1 Pierce DMG; 1.2 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 120 lumber.

9. Furbolg (390 Medium HP; 36-50 Normal DMG; 1.0 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 140 lumber.

10. Wyvern (390 Light HP; 41-47 Pierce DMG; 1.0 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 180 lumber.

11. Chariot (260 Fortified HP; 43-47 Siege DMG; 1.8 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 200 lumber. (Wish the bug will be fixed so they do double DMG to king)

12. Blood Orc (515 Heavy HP; 66-72 Normal DMG; 1.2 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 200 lumber.

13. Frost Wolf (650 Medium HP; 46-54 Normal DMG; 0.7 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 240 lumber.

14. Ice Troll (545 Medium HP; 54-62 Pierce DMG; 1.2 AS)
Bad, doesn't do anything versus king and feels like he does nothing against units. (Need a buff on DMG to 64-70: atm this unit is worse than blood orc but cost more wood)

15. Warlock (585 Light HP; 59-67 Medium DMG;1.25 AS)
Strong versus units and king. (Need a slight nerf on income from 14 to 12 instead)

16. Pandaren (775 Heavy HP; 82-90 Normal DMG; 1.0 AS)
OK, doesn't do much tbh. Good thing about this aura is its full income send. (need a slight change in cost from 300-280)

17. Ballista (530 Medium HP;88-98 Siege DMG;1.6 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 340 lumber. (same as charriot, doesn't do double DMGto king, will be fixed hopefully)

18. Shaman (770 Light HP; 65-73 Magic DMG; 0.9 AS)
OK, does need changes, it doesn't fulfill its purpose for 400 lumber. (low income send) (need a bit more DMG for 400 lumber, 68-75 instead)

19. Pudge (1050 Heavy HP; 141-159 Normal DMG; 1.3 AS)
Ok, does work great on some levels. Need a change though (should be buffed to be 19 income)

20. Gargoyle (920 Light HP; 106-116 Normal DMG; 1.0 AS)
This is the most interesting change. (This unit is very strong but it does not fit the unit to do normal DMG, should be changed to pierce attack)

21. 21. Behemoth (1420 Fortified HP;145-155 Siege DMG;1.3 AS)
Fine, doesn’t need changes, it fulfill its purpose for 500 lumber. Like its full income.

22. Kraken (1285 Heavy HP;131-145 Pierce DMG;1.20 AS)
Very strong, does not need changes since its an endgame spawn.

23. Infernal (2500 Fortified HP;155-173 Chaos DMG;0.8 AS)
Sad its bugged, hope it can be fixed. Have no idea how good it would be then.

24. Demon (3000 UHP; 221-257+24 Chaos DMG; 0.8 AS)
Very strong, does not need changes since its an endgame spawn.

These are my thoughts on summons, I think these balance suggestions is okay in a way. The only 2 units I think could cause some problems is dino and whelp versus cross on mega bot.

As you can see I only want to change some of the units, and I only touch the outstanding bad units.
+ I change a little bit to some of the strong units. For example this:
15. Warlock (585 Light HP; 59-67 Medium DMG;1.25 AS)
Strong versus units and king. (Need a slight nerf on income from 14 to 12 instead)

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Re: Legion td mega remake "broud3r"

Postby nabo. » Mon Dec 14, 2015 6:15 pm


Any news?
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