Lord-miles staying in LIHL

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Lord-miles staying in LIHL

Postby Qvist » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:01 pm

Ok I do agree very much with your decison now:
He´s very active.
He´s borderline skillwise at the moment
He´s improving
He communicates well when players are cool to him (although he answers flames with flame, maybe something both parties should work on)
His timing sometimes may be off but this comes with experience.
He can fail with some builds (builders) but this isn't something unique to him.

= he will be fine for LIHL soon idd since he practice a lot :)

I just want to point something out though:

I find it very odd you don't unvouch a player which destroyed 20+ games when he got vouched for LIHL the first 2 weeks!
When players keep making posts about a player YOU(lihl-mods) should take action fast and fix the problem, by saying this: "You are not ready for LIHL yet, if you want to play LIHL go practice and start observe games and you can reapply in about 2 weeks time"

Nobody can disagree that lord-miles wasn't good enough the first 2 weeks he played.

I feel like in that time LIHL was unplayable for 2 weeks with the amount of teamkill there was in that durration.

So I really miss action by the mods instead of being so passive?
Hope it change in future cases like this ;)

Good luck lord-miles.

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Re: Lord-miles staying in LIHL

Postby nabo. » Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:09 pm


First, the vouch trial procedure was kinda non-existent or officially evaluated until now, but now it is.

Second, Miles does make some bad mistakes, but once corrected, he changes. He has improved and adjusting. The decision to keep him vouched was based on internal discussion and after surveying 10-15 active (vet) lihl members. Majority (not close) agreed that he has good and bad games, but are seeing improvements and think in a month or so time, he will do ok seeing his high activity.

Third, was he ready when he got vouched? probably not. Was there a flaw with our vouch system? Yes, so we tweaked it. Did he teamkill though intentionally? probably not.

All in all, just know that our decision was not solely based on just the mod team, but after seeing replays and asking selected players' opinions. Hopefully with the changes made for vouch and vouch trial, cases like this will less likely happen.

Qvist wrote:...
= he will be fine for LIHL soon idd since he practice a lot :)
Good luck lord-miles.

Great that despite ur indifferences, you noticed this.


In addition, i do not like the fact people think that they are "baby sitting" a newly vouched player. It should be obvious that 1200 and lihl is different. So, players should think that they are "guiding" or "teaching" instead.

The wc3 playerbase is not crazy high as it used to be 5-6 yrs ago when it was at its peak. Players should help one another to improve. Ofc, there are skill expectations as a league, but it is not as easy to find potential players nowadays. So, with this in mind, plz be more considerate and respectful to newly vouched players. Instead of showing aggressive responses, try to work things out and lead first. Frustration can be expressed afterwards. If there is no improvements or growth at all during the trial period, thats another story.
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