Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

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Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby khspww94 » Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:27 am

Dear ENT,

With regards to the above matter, I strongly believes that the trader mode is no longer viable to remains exist in the Battleships Pro v1.19 map. This is because it is rarely played compare to the others as well as it is not justified mode to begin with. Instead I recommend that it is replaced with battle mode where it will enhance more further play. In effect trader mode really ruins the game as it allows pooling which totally destroy the purpose of the game with the fact that the game will easily be won over with trader and not the other 4 players in the team. The pooling is rather too unfair to the enemy or the team itself.
As such, please consider the matter above.

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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby Stealer » Sat Jan 02, 2016 4:13 pm

Besides the fact that you never explained what your 'battle mode' would be comprised off, Ent doesn't make balance changes to maps. Whoever the map maker (aka nobody anymore) is would be the person to talk to.

I always liked trader because when enemy is all turtled up your trader can easily do 10k contracts and then game is easily won rather than stall fest.

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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby nabo. » Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:18 pm



Your topic has been moved to suggestions forum. As Stealer has mentioned, ENT is provides hosting and moderation services. We do not create maps, although we do communicate with mapmakers.

Afaik, trader mode is not the only mode on bship pro. Are you suggesting we ban the trade mode by rule?
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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby khspww94 » Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:18 pm


Thanks for moving it to suggestion forum, totally forget that it was wrong to post it at technical support. Anyway, in regards to the suggested battle mode, I was referring to the mode of being a circle which will spawn randomly on the map which whoever player stays in the circle will receives bounty. The circle last for 15 sec and it will spawn each 2 mins and 30 sec. The bounty increases as time goes by. Every second the player is in the circle, he receives gold as well which increases each time a battle circle spawn.

If in the instance where such suggestion is impossible to be implement. I suggest that trader mode is ban by ent rule. The reason is of it being too unfairly game, the game called as battleships for a reason not trading as part of the game. Yes I do acknowledge the fact that last minute it could pull through the comeback but reality is that the gold obtained by trading is just too much. No one can really stop it. As such, it is only acceptable in the community in future if we ban by rule of trader mode i.e. accelerated normal and normal mode in game.

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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby nabo. » Sat Jan 02, 2016 7:35 pm


Would be great if you can encourage few other bship fans to come on forum and express their opinions.
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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby khspww94 » Sun Jan 03, 2016 5:01 am


Will try my best to get them to reply on this thread. Most of battleship players are rather not active on ent thou.

Warmest regards,

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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby Dyn » Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:03 am

Most of the voted game-modes are no trader or no.trader accell anyway.
A good player can hunt a good trader, a mediocre player can hunt a mediocre trader, it is really not that hard.
Good sader kills good trader.
Trader is not imba per-se, it's just the stacks using trader vs ppl who don't know what to do against it or are not able to.

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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby khspww94 » Sat Jan 09, 2016 3:37 am

Not really, if focus too much on trader the other players would be able to push. Why it is imbalance is that in a game it could sometimes be more than one traders which really a huge disadvantage. Even if the team has trader as well, imagine to deal with more than one trader. Its really to imbalance.

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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby Dyn » Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:23 pm

I don't know man, I play this map since skeds and I never considered trader to be very unfair IF the teams are well balanced. Don't forget trader gives 400+ gold and big exp per death, this is both a big amount early game normal mode.
In pro-games trader is more or less useless btw. - it's hard and not worth to trade against a very good team that actively hunt.

I dislike trader myself btw. and hate to play against it. Also I agree ppl going normal every game to trade vs noobs is ultra-lame. I just don't agree in the trader-mechanics to be wildly unbalanced or "unfair". Unfair are just the stacks.
Learn to hunt trader with sader and u can piss off those noobs if u're good, will give u as much or even more gold than pushing. U need 10-20 minutes to ruin a trader completely - in that time u easy get ur 1-2 6k-weapons. Trader needs dozens successfull trades to get into worth-it territory, until he is getting there you should allrdy be so strong it doesn't matter anymore.

Also don't forget, enemy trader also is missing to push, so rest of team is 4 vs 4 while u have your own gold / exp source in form of a trader.
If ur team doesn't manage to defend 4 on 4 the team is the problem or your bad hunting. I really don't see the problem unless teams are unfair anyway.

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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby nabo. » Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:04 pm


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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby khspww94 » Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:30 am

There is never a balanced game ever anymore in Battleships Pro. People who chose to allow traders in game clearer have the intention to troll the game. In addition to that yeah it will make the game 4v4 but at the cost of your team as its not always able to hunt that trader whenever he trade. Hence wasted time and exp chasing aimlessly on trader.

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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby thekill » Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:35 am

No i believe trader should be left in, trader is part of the game, and the game income is slooow as hell we need trader in there to bring more haste to that income on how badly it is. I believe maybe a clan could just join and they will decide all to vote for Normal version. It will be a whole entire clan im sure a large collective group that agrees upon something can outvote the casual rands that join the games

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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby khspww94 » Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:31 am

Won't that be just unfair to the pub players? If any particular clan insist of having a Normal game they could do so by having a private game hosted rather than joining the pub game. And for the record there is only so many clans that are still hardly active to begin with. Instead of clans, I think chances are higher where people are stacking to cause lose to the other enemy. The community is already not that big anymore, having these problems further definitely gonna reduced the pool number of players for Battleships Pro. You can say the quality matters and not quantity, but how are you gonna get quality players if the pool number of players are gonna be small. In another sense, it would be the same old players that gonna be at the top of the list instead of new enthusiastic players.

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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby nabo. » Fri Jan 29, 2016 3:16 am

People play traders mode often?

Im leaning towards banning it since its less suited as a pub mode.
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Re: Trader Mode in Battleships Pro

Postby khspww94 » Fri Jan 29, 2016 5:24 am

Not that often at all... Just like how you guys have stated that battleships pro only garner 115 games per week.. Out of that.. only around 5 games it has traders mode... So I really firm with banning it...

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