[DOTA] Fb.slayer.2 US east and theworstplayer US West

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[DOTA] Fb.slayer.2 US east and theworstplayer US West

Postby Boshibaru » Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:16 am

Subject: fb.slayer.2@uswest.battle.net and theworstplayer@uswest.battle.net

Replay Link: http://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=7166141

Game Name:[ENT] DotA arem us/ca #17

Your Warcraft III Username: TeamSecretFan

Violator's Warcraft III Username: Fb.slayer.2 and TheWorstPlayer

Violated Rule(s): Fb.slayer.2 sold all his items and starter buying iron wood branches while trying to ruin the game. Theworstplayer refused to votekick him which cost us the game.

Time of Violation (in-game or replay): Around 32:47

Any further thoughts: Fb.slayer.2 (blue) without warning just started selling all his items and buying ironwood branches while trying to ruin the game. We tried multiple times to kick him, but Theworstplayer on the other team refused to kick him which cost us the game. We were firmly in the lead when blue decided he wanted to ruin. I let everyone know I will be posting for ban, but Fb.Slayer.2 started telling everyone to get VPN's and they won't get banned. He/she has claimed he does this all the time and never gets banned because ENT can't catch him. I hope this is not the case because this is really detrimental to the game.

(32:47 / Allied) TeamSecretFan: lol
(32:51 / Allied) TeamSecretFan: blue sold all his items
(32:55 / Allied) TeamSecretFan: !votekick fb
(32:55 / All) fb.slayer.2: A votekick against player [fb.slayer.2] has been started by player [TeamSecretFan]. 6 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pas
(32:55 / All) fb.slayer.2: Type !yes to vote.
(32:55 / All) fb.slayer.2: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(32:59 / All) TeamSecretFan: sold all his items
(32:59 / Allied) NoDoz: !yes
(32:59 / All) fb.slayer.2: Player [NoDoz] voted to kick player [fb.slayer.2]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(33:00 / Allied) JiPhyo: !yes
(33:00 / All) fb.slayer.2: Player [JiPhyo] voted to kick player [fb.slayer.2]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(33:08 / Allied) TeamSecretFan: fuck bot
(33:08 / Allied) TeamSecretFan: go
(33:18 / Allied) aum123: ...
(33:23) CavMonty killed JiPhyo
(33:49) NoDoz killed andreezy206
(33:55 / All) fb.slayer.2: A votekick against player [fb.slayer.2] has expired.
(34:14) TeamSecretFan killed SupremePizza
(34:24 / All) TeamSecretFan: Kick fucking blue
(34:27 / All) TeamSecretFan: He sold all his items
(34:29 / Allied) CavMonty: !yes
(34:30 / All) TeamSecretFan: and bought branches
(34:33 / All) TeamSecretFan: who ever doesnt vote
(34:34 / All) TeamSecretFan: reported
(34:34 / All) SupremePizza: oh thats so nice
(34:35 / All) TeamSecretFan: for ban
(34:39 / All) SupremePizza: yea
(34:39 / All) TeamSecretFan: !votekick fb
(34:47 / Allied) JiPhyo: !yes
(34:48 / Allied) SupremePizza: !yea
(34:49 / All) TeamSecretFan: you wanna test it
(34:50 / All) TeamSecretFan: try me
(34:54 / Allied) NoDoz: !yes
(34:56 / All) fb.slayer.2: ANNOUNCEMENT: Attention! Wiki website has been changed to: wiki.entgaming.net
(35:02 / All) SupremePizza: yea I am trying you
(35:03 / Allied) CavMonty: !yes
(35:07 / All) SupremePizza: !yea
(35:12 / Allied) CavMonty: !votekick fb.
(35:12 / All) fb.slayer.2: A votekick against player [fb.slayer.2] has been started by player [CavMonty]. 6 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
(35:12 / All) fb.slayer.2: Type !yes to vote.
(35:12 / All) fb.slayer.2: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(35:17 / Allied) NoDoz: !yes
(35:17 / All) fb.slayer.2: Player [NoDoz] voted to kick player [fb.slayer.2]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(35:28 / Allied) JiPhyo: b
(35:37 / Allied) TeamSecretFan: push mid
(35:46 / Allied) aum123: togeteher come slar
(35:59 / Allied) TeamSecretFan: !votekick fb
(36:09) NoDoz killed JiPhyo
(36:12 / All) fb.slayer.2: A votekick against player [fb.slayer.2] has expired.
(36:13 / Allied) theworstplayer: no fuckin way
(36:16 / Allied) theworstplayer: its impossibele
(36:24) fb.slayer.2 killed andreezy206
(36:25) aum123 killed CavMonty
(36:28) aum123 killed NoDoz
(36:33) aum123 killed fb.slayer.2
(36:38) aum123 killed TeamSecretFan
(36:42) CavMonty killed SupremePizza
(36:45 / All) CavMonty: so why wont you fags kick blue
(36:47) andreezy206 killed ILOVEJESUS
(36:50 / Allied) TeamSecretFan: !yes
(36:50 / All) SupremePizza: !yea
(36:57 / Allied) CavMonty: !votekick fb.
(37:05 / All) TeamSecretFan: oh well
(37:11 / All) TeamSecretFan: they can enjoy their ban
(37:15 / All) TeamSecretFan: I dont play around with shit like that
(37:22 / Allied) fb.slayer.2: vpn
(37:25 / Allied) fb.slayer.2: no ban
(37:30 / All) fb.slayer.2: get a vpn
(37:34 / All) fb.slayer.2: no ban
(37:40 / Allied) NoDoz: wtf blue
(37:42 / All) fb.slayer.2: uses another ip
(37:42 / Allied) TeamSecretFan: !voteklick fb
(37:42 / Allied) NoDoz: u fag
(37:49 / Allied) NoDoz: all the ironwood
(37:50 / All) fb.slayer.2: i get banned all the time
(37:53 / Allied) TeamSecretFan: !votekick fb.
(37:53 / All) fb.slayer.2: A votekick against player [fb.slayer.2] has been started by player [TeamSecretFan]. 6 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pas
(37:53 / All) fb.slayer.2: Type !yes to vote.
(37:53 / All) fb.slayer.2: ** Note: !votekick should only be used to kick players breaking a rule. You should not votekick players new to the game!
(37:57 / All) fb.slayer.2: vpn dont let me
(37:58 / Allied) CavMonty: !yes
(37:58 / All) fb.slayer.2: Player [CavMonty] voted to kick player [fb.slayer.2]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
(37:58 / Allied) NoDoz: ppl like u ruin this game
(38:01 / Allied) NoDoz: !yes
(38:01 / All) fb.slayer.2: Player [NoDoz] voted to kick player [fb.slayer.2]. 4 more votes are needed to pass.
(38:01 / Allied) JiPhyo: 1yes
(38:05 / Allied) SupremePizza: !yes
(38:05 / All) fb.slayer.2: Player [SupremePizza] voted to kick player [fb.slayer.2]. 3 more votes are needed to pass.
(38:05 / Allied) JiPhyo: !yes
(38:05 / All) fb.slayer.2: Player [JiPhyo] voted to kick player [fb.slayer.2]. 2 more votes are needed to pass.
(38:06 / All) fb.slayer.2: not my ip
(38:20 / All) fb.slayer.2: if you dont wanna get banned get one
(38:27 / All) fb.slayer.2: google vpn
(38:33 / All) fb.slayer.2: you can get free ones
(38:35) andreezy206 killed CavMonty
(38:39) NoDoz killed JiPhyo
(38:52 / All) fb.slayer.2: A votekick against player [fb.slayer.2] has expired.
(38:53) aum123 killed NoDoz
(39:04) andreezy206 killed TeamSecretFan
(39:08 / All) TeamSecretFan: who ever didnt vote
(39:09) aum123 killed fb.slayer.2
(39:10 / All) TeamSecretFan: enjoy your ban
(39:11 / All) TeamSecretFan: gg
(39:21 / All) TeamSecretFan: along with blue
(39:21 / All) fb.slayer.2: idiot
(39:21 / All) theworstplayer: you didnt vote to kick brown
(39:33 / All) TeamSecretFan: lagging and ruining is different
(39:35 / All) TeamSecretFan: but enjo your ban
(39:37 / All) fb.slayer.2: waste your time yellow
(39:39 / All) theworstplayer: its the same thing
(39:40 / All) theworstplayer: you cunt
(39:45 / All) TeamSecretFan: fight it with ent
(39:50 / All) fb.slayer.2: i deal with ppl like you all the time
(39:50 / All) theworstplayer: i wont need too
(39:54 / All) theworstplayer: you puss anty
(39:55 / All) fb.slayer.2: get a vpn
(39:59 / Allied) NoDoz: hey blue
(40:01 / All) fb.slayer.2: you cant get banned
(40:10 / Allied) NoDoz: do u do this frequently ?
(40:13 / All) fb.slayer.2: cauz u use another ip
(40:15 / Allied) TeamSecretFan: he does look at his score
(40:17 / All) fb.slayer.2: This game was hosted by GHost++ (http://www.ghostpp.com).
(40:17 / All) theworstplayer: butt hurt bc you lost
(40:18 / All) fb.slayer.2: no
Last edited by F-Train on Thu Jan 28, 2016 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: put game chat in spoiler.

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Re: [DOTA] Fb.slayer.2 US east and theworstplayer US West

Postby garcimore » Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:58 pm

At exactly (30:20)
fb.slayer2.2(Kunkka) Sell all items and buy branches.

35:50 [Allies] fb.slayer.2 (Admiral): vpn
35:54 [Allies] fb.slayer.2 (Admiral): no ban
36:34 [All] fb.slayer.2 (Admiral): not my ip
36:49 [All] fb.slayer.2 (Admiral): if you dont wanna get banned get one
36:55 [All] fb.slayer.2 (Admiral): google vpn
37:02 [All] fb.slayer.2 (Admiral): you can get free ones

Also he mention that he can and will dodge ban^

Should be approved.

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Re: [DOTA] Fb.slayer.2 US east and theworstplayer US West

Postby BeerLord » Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:24 pm

fb.slayer.2 with previous history of similar behavior
banning 7 days for game ruin
andreezy206, theworstplayer, and aum123 banned 2 days for failure to votekick game ruiner

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Re: [DOTA] Fb.slayer.2 US east and theworstplayer US West

Postby child » Thu Feb 04, 2016 11:52 pm

no evidence of dodging found, ban expires tomorrow processing.

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