Ban or let it be? You make decision

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Ban or let it be? You make decision

Postby Toshiro088 » Wed Apr 03, 2013 9:39 am

Your Warcraft III username: Toshiro088
Violator's Warcraft III username: 0nmy0wn
Game name or map name: [ENT] Legion TD 3.5 Beta #86
Approximate date/time of game (alternatively, link to a Stats page): today about 10-15 minutes back
Rule player violated: Game Ruining (dont know for sure its up to you decide)
Time of incidents (Note in-game timer or replay timer): in the end of game 13-15 minutes i forgot it when i watched the replay of it.
Any further thoughts:
Well yellow guy sold his all tower and stayed and opponent lost, but there is more to it, yellow and orange builded near the middle (orange more). And in 5 round when orange made zeus i started to steal yellow creeps, So before 8th round yellow solded units and they lost, votekick came after 8 round was spawn. Well it was sold nearly before round.
I dunno if let it be, but i think that, their problem that they build so close and when yellow was annoyed he could easily leave and dont let his team die by selling it. I think its still game ruining of yellow even when orange had a part on it. I do not think orange used antistuck, they only builded too close i think so, Even when i was opponent i watched a replay so i know how was it but i dont know how to see when someone used antistuck in replays how to see it dont know.

Deciding is up to you you can let it be either i am only currious how you will decide that case. And somehow I wanted report that game because it was strange from the start in opponent wiev when i watched it from replay.
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Re: Ban or let it be? You make decision

Postby cyberpunk » Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:04 am

Yellow is banned. He was using antistuck.
10:34 <0nmy0wn> 0x10: Immediate order: ancestralspirit (flags: 0x0040)
12:36 <0nmy0wn> 0x10: Immediate order: ancestralspirit (flags: 0x0040)

Orange did not build zeus to ks, if they build in mid, they should know what can happen..
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