New ELO system

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Re: New ELO system

Postby eldryan » Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:23 am

I think super was implying a rating system that measures value/score/income.

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Re: New ELO system

Postby supersexyy » Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:34 am

Nope, such valuations aren't good. There is only 1 positive of such a system - that it may boost 'new' accounts to their more accurate ELO level at a faster pace, but that really shouldn't be an issue.

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Re: New ELO system

Postby eldryan » Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:29 am

I wasn't implying they were good @super, simply saying that seemed to be what you were implying in your criticism - otherwise it was an irrelevant critique.

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Re: New ELO system

Postby Toshiro088 » Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:45 pm

LoL i am agains that for LTD,

coz you have team of 4, two player play normal, two play together, one of the two have good value less leaking some income (in later part avarage income) the second one has insane income, avarage value but a lot of leaks though game (value get high later)
why they should have diferent elo +/-


one player from team go overbuild becasue second go a lightle more income they combine their builduing for teamwork. but the one with overbuild will catch up later with income how you can give to one more elo...

I think the problem for elo is its shown, my oppinion as sugestion for elo is that
Show ranking for top 30-50 players with best elo when some of these joined then bot said for example player xxx is ranked 40. or somethink like that
next elo should be visible only your own elo to yourself (in ranked can be writen i think)
There players dont lose motivation for advancing elo, and game will be stabilize
coz Player go !lms offen for team and when he dont like it (coz he havent stronger team) he leave (even it could be fair game).
Because its balanced elo +/- take consideration for avr. team elo gives lost/win -/+ to each it wouldnt be problem to hide elo that way.
Well i dont know i explained it understandingly or how to say it.

I think elo system is ok, only in shown elo is problem...

edit: i was on ciggarette and give it more though
you have team of players 700-1000 elo (noobs) and team where there are players 1100 elo+ (trust me that is offen) two players of better team dc or leave (can be done) and i will say you that two good still win, you want to take more elo from that noobs team coz they cant handle the game well coz they lose, trust me in mostly time they really win (only two of them really will) so they even more elo... its strange to think that...
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Re: New ELO system

Postby HateLose » Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:50 pm

TBH....the elo system is cool, but dumb and doesn't really show their actual skills. I.E: People constantly create new accounts to either boost their friend's elo or to troll and snipe other people (people with high elo). Now, if it was balanced like A-Bal LTD or LTD HR, then the elo system makes more sense.

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Re: New ELO system

Postby eldryan » Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:07 am

nah, even then hate2lose, if som1 is smurfing they will boost/steal ELO from ppl who are higher and make them higher/lower falsely.

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