Postby Krayyzie » Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:02 pm
Well, personally I do really prefer this current system, with random teams. However, as players here already been talking about, its goes alittle bit into activity is worth just as much as win/loss %, if you have 52% winrate with 100 games in a season you end up lower than a player with 51% winrate and 250 games.
That means the top of the league will not be the player who wins a highest % of his games. Which means the best players might not be at the top of ranks at end of seasons.
However, on another side of this, Random teams will give a better look on which players are better at adepting to playing with alot of random players. Overall this system will give more random games, where top/bot players does Not have to be carried or carry every game they play, you will not be "punished" because you have high elo, and you will not benefit by being low elo.
For me, the random teams is a Positive change.
Random teams, means players will have to adept to playing with more different players than normally, espically top/bot players which usually gets mixed with balanced teams
No benefit/punishment for getting high/low elo.
More players will get to lead, as there wont be a "clear" leader in each team in most of the games, that will give more room for players to get better.
Activity decides just as much as skill how high/low a player gets at end of season
Possible changes?
Only way to get rid of the negative activity part, to make the players with the best stats to get ranked highest, would be to change the ranking system to % of wins
That means the random team system stays, but instead of elo, it would be shown how many % of your games you win.
However ,if this change was made, there would need to be another rule, forcing players to play X ammount of games to be part of the end of season rankings, mainly to stop players from, for example playing 10 games and have 8/2 stats then stop playing with a 80% winrate to win a season.
But once again. Random teams is not a negative thing, it means players with less skill will loose more games, and players with higher skill will win more games. Instead of pretty much everyone staying beetween 45-55% winrate because they get teamed up with better or worse players nonstop.