VK in Lobby

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VK in Lobby

Postby AmnoN » Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:15 pm

Hi All,

I have an absolutely nutty idea - implement the ability to VK players under 800 elo.

On a more serious note, I think that it is an entirely valid idea for the following reasons:
    There are rules surrounding delaying the start of a game:
    Do not delay a game from starting by joining/leaving multiple times or otherwise.

    ^I understand that this is intended to stop people from trolling lobbies by joining and leaving as the rule states, but it is also intended to allow games to start without having to wait 10+ minutes and allow a certain "flow". Sub-800 elo players ruin said flow because people do not want to play with them.

    Chances are that most people who are below 800 elo simply refuse to listen which is how they got there in the first place. Games such as LTD are not particularly difficult to learn to the point where 900+ is possible.

    Also, it is not hard to reset stats or create a new account still allowing these players to play and not get kicked from every lobby.

To summarize, I understand why lobby VK was disabled (abuse), but in this case:
1) I feel that it helps get games started
2) Encourages players to improve to the point where they can be worked with (and discourages behaviours of players such as "LowestEloEver" who has sufficient experience to understand the game by now but likely chooses not to)
3) And is not prohibitive because of the ease of resetting stats and/or creating a new account.

Any feedback on this suggestion is welcome, but here are just some initial thoughts.

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Re: VK in Lobby

Postby Jabba41 » Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:22 pm

Another suggestion according to your logic.
Implement the abilty to kick "stackers" as they delay lobbies too.

Bad idea...
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Re: VK in Lobby

Postby EdgeOfChaos » Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:24 pm

That could also be fixed if you people stop insta-leaving when you see you're in a disadvantaged team and just play the damn game.

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Re: VK in Lobby

Postby AmnoN » Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:34 pm

@jabba41 Stackers are annoying, yes, but sub-800 ELO is easily avoidable and not an issue for me to play against - I see +25 elo and think "opportunity". I see sub-800 elo and know from experience, that they will not listen (there are SOME exceptions but 90+% of them have told me this) - in other words, likely going to be a total headache and not worth it.

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Re: VK in Lobby

Postby Jabba41 » Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:38 pm

Stacking is avoidable too... when people just choose to play the game and dont just watch on the elo. Just to kick low elos because people are too scared to play with users which arent that good is their problem. A problem which may effects others too because of the delayed lobby but that a problem rooted so deep in the mentality of games with a ranking system that it's unfixable. People will avoid players with 801 elo the same way as someone with 750 . They will start to avoid the ones they cant kick too and look for a better game.
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Re: VK in Lobby

Postby AmnoN » Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:09 pm

@jabba41 The idea behind elo is to level the playing field from a risk/reward perspective. Just because players do not want to play with them, does not mean that their elo will ALWAYS be low. As they improve, they earn more elo because of the imbalance.

Also, your point speaks to what I am saying regarding people not wanting to play with them. It holds up lobbies and encourages stacking to some degree because of the avoidance. I find that stacking usually happens as a method of "avoidance" as opposed to trying to get the best team possible.


Re: VK in Lobby

Postby Mercy » Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:12 pm

We removed it because everyone is welcome to play, and will be banned otherwise, such as when/if they game ruin. It's not fair to anyone who honestly has bad luck in teams.


Re: VK in Lobby

Postby Hatedmaru » Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:22 pm

Just no: Votekick was disabled on lobby for the exact same reasons you want it back - People abuse it just to kick everyone they dont like (may it be due to low elo, wanting to play all in one team, etc)

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