[Dota] strawhat@asia

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[Dota] strawhat@asia

Postby emaC » Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:02 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/openstats/game/7474480/
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #98
Your Warcraft III Username: cikare
Violator's Warcraft III Username: strawhat
Violated Rule(s): Flaming and racism.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): First 3 minutes of the game onwards. But first 3 minutes are the biggest.
Any further thoughts: As soon as game started one of my teammates disconnected while trying to load in. My team decided to try and !draw since we were instantly going to start with a disadvantage. Strawhat was antagonizing us telling us to !draw when all we needed was two more people to type it. After his team didn't want to draw he started using profanity and calling us, "american fuckers".

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Re: [Dota] strawhat@asia

Postby BeerLord » Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:10 am

Minor flame.
use !ignore.

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