[BSXFIRE]Orangecat europe

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[BSXFIRE]Orangecat europe

Postby chidoriblade » Wed Apr 06, 2016 8:06 pm

Replay Link: http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 529367.w3g
b]Game Name [ent] battleship crossfire #64
Your Warcraft III Username: dudjufn
Violator's Warcraft III Username: orangecat
Violated Rule(s): vote kick rules It is possible to game ruin by being new. In this case, votekick will only be valid if the new player refuses to learn and cooperate. Just because someone is a newbie or bad does not mean he is intentionally game ruinning.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): EARLY START
Any further thoughts:
i did buy the wood i did not know about the shared farming of the nations
it was annoying how he was yelling at me. i did go back and purchase wood to repair my ship
he claimed that i was new and ruining the game and not wanting to learn
i did i did purchase wood but yes i purchased guns where i was told not to after to not farm
but did not specify what to do after that
he continued to be rude so i proceeded to/squelch and thats where i was kicked momments later...
i waited 20 minutes for a game to start with 2 minutes to be kicked?
game lasted longer then expected
upon further examination it appears that started minor flame and the game was still remained very early and did not attempt to teach me and proceeded to kick
yes i did squelch him but he kept started it is that not what squelch is for?'

if every new player was treated like this there would be no growing community for other game modes

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Re: [BSXFIRE]Orangecat europe

Postby Jabba41 » Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:58 pm

As BSxFire dont show who voted i can only ban the one who started the votekick.

orangecat banned 4 days.
Send me your best Sloth pictures for instant unban*

*individual results may vary

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