ShadowZz wrote:You understand it's 1v10 right? You 10 people are on the same team, you understand that right? You are supposed to work together as 10v1 but you CHOOSE not to. You could go make a 10 man base at the 2 min mark and a level 2 titan would NEVER break it but you CHOOSE not to. The same thing as always, builders think they are individual players and other builders actions shouldn't affect there game.
Please find me 1 replay where you see 10 players (builders) actually make 1 huge mega op base and end the game in 2 minute mark? I'll literally be waiting for you to.
Everything you're saying is going against how ID initially operates. Bases are made to house 1 builder. If one base is bigger then the other, then obviously it can house 2. That's it. Why do you think that is ShadowZz? Because if 10 people cram into a base and actually apply this non-existent teamwork then there's gonna be a cludder and it'll be more messy on the builders end then it will a level 2 titan. How are they gonna get lumber? They need a shelter and 150 food's worth of workers to be able to make this happen. Oh wait they make lumber bases.. Should they do that together too?
Your logic is flawed by misinterpretation of technicality vs reality. So do yourself a favor and see the reality of things.
ShadowZz wrote:If titan makes one mistake whilst sieging his titan dies then the games over. If he makes one mistake microing a minion, the minion dies then he can't break the base anymore. If titan makes one mistake and misses the nuke than would of killed a builder then it eventually loses him the game. 1v10. But if a builder makes 1 mistake and now ends up feeding a base giving titan a chance in coming back into the game then the other builders on HIS TEAM should simply be non-accountable.
>If the titan makes a mistake, obviously it's at his own fault
>If a builder's base gets broken, obviously it's at his own fault
I get it. It's a mistake, and mistakes
ShadowZz wrote:How do you not see that what you are saying is [insert bad words here] [literally blowing my mind] [not the first time I've lectured people on game balance]. But you will reply to this with some reason as to why 10 builders on the same team cannot be expected to work together and shouldn't be punished for their mistakes and we will be back at square one. Because as usual ID players are selfish. They only think about how it affects their game when a noob dies and how that person has now ruined their game. Instead of thinking about the fact that you are on the same team and you are just as responsible for that person feeding as they are.
Maybe next time someone intent. feeds in your game, I'll have to ban you too.
Why?! Oh wait, you're accountable too.