sunblock@useast, r4wr@uswest

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sunblock@useast, r4wr@uswest

Postby KinG23 » Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:16 am

Replay Link:
Game Name: [ENT] DotA apem us/ca #63
Your Warcraft III Username: king23
Violator's Warcraft III Username: sunblock@useast (game ruiner), r4wr@uswest (non-voter)
(34:42 / Allied) KinG23: !votekick sun
Violated Rule(s):
1) Toxic teammate, flaming, made whole team ignore him within 2 minutes of the game. (Game ruining)
2) 9:21 pause abuse to hinder game play. (Game ruining)
3) 25:00 game time farms and does not help team at all.
4) 31:30 farms bottom when we lose rax.
5) 34:42 does not help team again
6) 36:40 dances around while we lose bottom rax.
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts:

Multiple game ruining offenses, long ban. User says he hopes "ban passes as he is not playing for two weeks".

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Re: sunblock@useast, r4wr@uswest

Postby cohenta » Sat Apr 16, 2016 5:31 pm

Hi. Sunblock here, not merely just to defend myself but to point out a few things. This is going to be an essay but the scope reaches far beyond this individual ban request, so I ask that you please consider giving it at least brief skim.

Treat others how you want to treat yourself; it's a very simple principle people forget when they are anonymous online. I trust that the judges hold themselves to higher standards than your average player when arbitrating this manner.


(00:01 / Allied) sunblock: mid
(00:07 / Allied) KinG23: nah ur not
(00:15 / Allied) KinG23: !sd sun

Uhhhhhhhhhhh OK. This is in the beginning, just one sentence, and should speak volumes on this dude's personality. Before he even assesses the situation or has time to process anything he decides to immediately be bullyish and bureaucratic. But according to him, I was immediately flaming. Completely unprovoked, amirite?

(03:26 / Allied) sunblock: ill gank at 5-7
(03:45 / Allied) sunblock: call if low hp and need a gank ok?
(03:46 / Allied) KinG23: ill post
(03:53 / Allied) ChocolatePudge: blindly
(03:54 / Allied) ChocolatePudge: flaming
(04:01 / Allied) KinG23: ill report
(04:56 / Allied) sunblock: ss mid
(04:57 / Allied) sunblock: slark was going top.
(04:58 / Allied) sunblock: care.

After our team gets a kill where I got the last hit (shuriken I think?)
(11:07 / Allied) ChocolatePudge: ofc
(11:09 / Allied) ChocolatePudge: that faggot
(11:09 / Allied) ChocolatePudge: gets it
(11:10 / Allied) KinG23: ye
(11:56 / Allied) ChocolatePudge: !votekick sun
(12:00 / Allied) SmellyBallSack: !yes
(12:02 / Allied) KinG23: !unignore sun
(12:04 / Allied) KinG23: youre banned
(12:07 / Allied) KinG23: !ignore sun

(13:55 / Allied) ChocolatePudge: u can see why he
(13:56 / Allied) ChocolatePudge: apem

(14:16 / Allied) KinG23: im writing the ban on him now
^ Check the edits for this. He literally posted during the game. It said "replay upon completion of game".

(14:20 / Allied) SmellyBallSack: lol
(14:25 / Allied) SmellyBallSack: how long?
(14:39 / Allied) KinG23: 1-3 days
(14:45 / Allied) SmellyBallSack: weak :)
(16:13 / Allied) SmellyBallSack: !votekick sun
(16:46 / Allied) KinG23: lol
(16:55 / Allied) KinG23: im writing hte ban req now

(20:36 / Allied) ChocolatePudge: lol this gondar <----- I whispered him to thank him for a heal, even though he did it just to KS me. In this attempt to reconcile I ask that we continue playing as teammates until we win the game.
(20:38 / Allied) ChocolatePudge: messaging me
(20:51 / Allied) ChocolatePudge: saying he is surprised i assisted him
(20:57 / Allied) KinG23: in whisper ?
(21:00 / Allied) ChocolatePudge: yes
(21:06 / Allied) KinG23: if he flames
(21:08 / Allied) KinG23: print screen

(28:16 / Allied) KinG23: we cant even communicate with brown <-- Made no attempts whatsoever
(28:58 / Allied) RetardStrength: cant you auto ban him?

(29:59 / Allied) sunblock: we need to stick <--- Pleading that we stick and play together
(30:03 / Allied) sunblock: and really need somemeat
(30:06 / Allied) sunblock: axe goes in alone, dies alone
(30:09 / Allied) sunblock: then omni dies
(30:11 / Allied) sunblock: then we all fucked

(33:34 / All) KinG23: u dont have a ks gondar
(33:37 / All) KinG23: so we all underfarmed <--- You dont have a feeding SB who think's he's underfarmed because he's "ks'ed".

(34:42 / Allied) KinG23: !votekick sun
(34:44 / All) KinG23: kick
(34:46 / All) KinG23: grief

(35:07 / Allied) SmellyBallSack: remember pinks name
(35:07 / Allied) sunblock: keep feeding
(35:09 / Allied) sunblock: immature little shit
(35:11 / All) SmellyBallSack: and read your ban
(35:21 / Allied) sunblock: i will
(35:22 / Allied) sunblock: so for now
(35:24 / Allied) sunblock: help the team
(35:25 / Allied) sunblock: and tank

(35:25 / All) SmellyBallSack: learn to stfu and play
(35:27 / Allied) sunblock: dont fucking be stupid
(35:28 / Allied) sunblock: go off alone
(35:31 / Allied) sunblock: LIKE YOU FUCKING DO 24/78
(35:32 / All) sunblock: then die
(35:33 / Allied) sunblock: then blame me
(35:34 / All) SmellyBallSack: !ignore sun

(36:30 / Allied) KinG23: this is a nice ban request
(37:26 / Allied) KinG23: !votekick sun
(37:39 / All) KinG23: kick
(37:42 / All) KinG23: refusal to teamplay
(37:44 / All) KinG23: 3 counts
(37:47 / All) KinG23: non voters will be banned

Great, he doesn't get what he wants so now he's threatening to ban non-voters for not voting for his groundless votekick (Yes I read the rules).

I can honestly say I attempted to put aside differences and play together towards achieving our common goal. It's called being an adult. You talk some shit, yeah there will be people you don't like, but let's get this done and go home. But show me that you're a child, and you'll be responded to like one. Can you say that about them? For a player who literally stopped playing the game and went online to write a ban request because he's so mad over a perceived slight that he asked for? Yeah sure. I talked some shit. In no way trying to justify it but it was in response to attempt to cock-block mid for no valid reason.

His argument: "BH flamed me from the beginning for NO REASON, and then he threw game! :evil: Hes the reason we lost, he never tanked for us when me and Axe were too busy taking turns being dead! Long ban please!

My argument:
The team failed to prioritize victory over vitriol, did not play to their roles or with any teamwork, and basically did everything counter-productive to a win (feed and flame). Axe and SB repeatedly went alone and fed, and they focused more on trying to votekick me and writing a ban request, respectively, than on playing the game. I repeatedly made attempts to at least communicate and be amiable; I even whispered Omni to thank him for a heal which, admittedly, he only did to get the last hit and kill. Meanwhile, they're clearly out to get a votekick and ban going and playing the game with reckless abandon! It's like a switch flipped off in their heads and they were single-mindedly obsessed with sticking it to me rather than winning as a team despite my best and honest attempts to reconcile. When they demonstrated that they clearly don't care about the game's outcome but are rather more focused on getting me kicked and banned, it seemed very likely that we were going to lose. This was over 40 minutes into the game, near the very end, where I refused to suicide and defend rax alone with Zeus when SB and Axe were screaming at me to defend, since they both died earlier the same way they always do - by themselves 1 by 1. So when King23 says "refusal to teamplay", that's just disrespectful to the intellect of the poor moderator who will have to read this, who will see that Axe and SB himself are actually more guilty of the very rhetoric that he's handing out pamphlets on.

Role-wise; we needed Axe and SB to initiate, Omni to support, Zeus and I to burst dps from the most distracting angles possible. Instead, we had Axe and SB both go solo and take turns feeding alone. I'm not sure if they participated in more than 3 team fights each before we got raxed. Those 2 players made no attempt at sticking together and would push for far too long and far too far in enemy territory by themselves. Axe would literally try to ambush people by himself on their side of the river and then ping spam me after he dies, followed by a votekick attempt, while SB would repeatedly farm way too far out by himself for over 3+ minutes when it's dangerous and enemies are missing from minimap. On two separate occasions he was AFK in lane while alt tabbed writing a ban request so I guess that's excusable (for him), but the other times? No excuse. He did this multiple times until the end where we got raxed.

As the enemy demonstrated that they will have dust (and eventually gem) at all times, I assumed I will be visible in every fight, and that I will only be able to do the most burst damage if I stay alive by following after Axe and SB take some aggro. Wouldn't be wise to initiate. Problem is Axe and SB were taking turns being dead and blaming me with pings for 45 seconds at a time. These players were clearly upset that I wasn't taking aggro. Please. I did take as much damage as possible in a hit-and-run fashion, for the enemy to focus me until it's too late for them. Perhaps this wasn't enough for Beavis and Butthead. You can keep up hope if you want, that people will stop being stubborn after 10 deaths in a single game and decide to stick with the team, but I know better. I was in every team fight I could be near, usually involving Omni and Zeus, until it became crystal clear that Axe and SB were not interested in fighting together or winning but rather misappropriating their outlets for testosterone in an effort to become one with the Rambo. That's when I re-evaluated the strategy that relies on Axe and SB to be team players, and decided to try and slow them down the most I could by picking off lone stragglers as they made their way towards our rax. Unfortunately, despite my farm and bounty gold I still had trouble assassinating Lich ES Necro in one-on-one engagements due to the sheer number of times our tanks fed them.

The problem with this game is that many of the old school players, who have the skill and courtesy to match, have mostly moved on. The game's older than most of the kids playing it these days. Who wouldn't rather have a game where people share chicken, compliment each other on nice plays, encourage each other when things are looking down, and rally together towards the cause? There's no better feeling than when you roll out with your squad and almost flawlessly execute a team play that's so in-sync that the enemy thought you guys were on Ventrilo together.

The (small) problem with this server seems to be that (forgive me if I'm seriously mistaken in this assumption) the ENT administration has far too much capability to process huge volumes of ban requests. You guys must have some serious manpower or free time and devotion to let all these people post fluff after fluff for the team to sift through without finding much of import. If it were me running the ship I'd downsize the ban processing squad and relegate the team to more important and varied functions using a simple technique;

Implement a cost to submitting a ban request in the form of a penalty for wasting a moderator's time. You shouldn't be trigger-happy, especially if you're an asshole, and give the administration more work than they should be doing. If there was a penalty for erroneous or ridiculous claims like this you'd find that people would be a lot more hesitant to waste your time (I'm sure it can't be easy reading through this garbage - there seems to be so much of it judging from the log, and I'm assuming moderators do this voluntarily on their own time). It's like you're practically inviting every asshole out there to give you reading material to waste your time. I don't know why you do that to yourselves. Such a proposal would let your team devote, say, just 1-3 people to really go through material since people would try to vet themselves by only making good submissions. Otherwise, I see stuff like "Please ban. I don't like him! he flames! he ksed! he mh's! he makes me feel bad!" You guys must seriously be Saints IRL or some shit.

People should not be allowed to prioritize their selfish goal of being malicious as being more important than the welfare of the team, and then try to prosecute those they were malicious to, and then be protected from any ramifications for being the boy who cried wolf. That's the perfect recipe for brewing an army of these idiots. Check this guy's post history, he's a very busy person and I can't believe you let him slide for that long. I surmise that he's the kind of individual that is angry at life and starts fights, gets beat up, then lies to the cops in the police report that the other guy sucker punched him first!

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Really. Please feel free to let me know your opinions, whether you agree or not, and I will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss further. This is Sunblock, out.

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Re: sunblock@useast, r4wr@uswest

Postby Kasandra » Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:03 am

I review and i can confirm

31:30 but honestly u guys not stick as well :(
34 was 3v3 but bh stay on invis

Bh is fragile hero. I think u lose because of axe 1-11. He never good tank in team fight. When they pushed axe was dead all the time. For that one bh was carrying for his own stats. Im sure if axe better support you will get this game ( or have more chance to def as well ).

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Re: sunblock@useast, r4wr@uswest

Postby cohenta » Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:53 am


If Axe was in team fights with us and less hostile towards me I can promise you I would be in every team fight, not just every team fight until 25:00. It would be unwise to count on him, if you were in my position, would you not agree? Check the game I play right after. I bum rush in every team fight because I am confident in my allies being allies, not people who want to undermine or sabotage me when you are their fellow teammate!

If you're going to list the times when I am NOT going in without axe (25 31 34 etc) please list every team fight I was in until 25:00. It is only fair and paints a clearer picture with the same size brush strokes.

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Re: sunblock@useast, r4wr@uswest

Postby Kasandra » Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:07 am


U will be banned for game ruin. I was banned for the same reason. I also walking around on invis on similar game. Here axe failed on mine game lc fail.

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Re: sunblock@useast, r4wr@uswest

Postby cohenta » Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:08 pm


And you are mistaken at what my intentions were by bringing you into the conversation.

My ban, which you say is guaranteed, will be what I am saying is wrong with the system. The team failed in a Dota game, and because one person with a hate-driven attitude feels like faulting a particular individual they do not like, rather than accepting their own contributions to the loss as a team, should ENT listen to this person's subjective opinion on who ruined the game - and then validate their reasoning?

This will only reinforce the notion that you can play bad, not as a team, and never accept responsibility for a loss - all you have to do is find someone to blame, post a ban request, and your ego will remain intact and preserved.

Do you not see anything wrong with this?

That's what's wrong, and that's why I made a long post which you don't seem to have read or would be capable of understanding. Don't bother reading it, I'm not sure I want to hear your opinion anymore. Thanks for taking the time to review for the mods, I'm sure they appreciate the extra volunteer work.

Good day.

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Re: sunblock@useast, r4wr@uswest

Postby cohenta » Mon Apr 18, 2016 5:12 pm

If it serves any contrast, lets say I fed 11 times by never being with the team.

I'm going to be immature and not accept the fact that I had anything to do with the loss. Instead, give me a minute, I'm going to go out and become a loser in life and blame everyone else and the world for all the times that things don't go my way.

That's right. First I'm going to feed nonstop. While I'm dead, I'm going to pingspam, talk shit, and try votekicking him over and over and over and over and over. Listen - my attitude is untouchable. I am the King and my mommy told me I am, so you had better listen to me. I'm a 6'10" Marine Navy SEAL with over 310 confirmed kills. u w0t m8? I'll fuck you up.

But this guy? Fuck reciprocity. He better act how I want him to. If he doesn't do exactly what I want, and play this video game with his free time the way I demand he does, he will fucking pay for it. I expect him to ignore my own transgressions and be a saint towards me to the very end, by putting up with me and serving me so I can feed the enemy but still get a win on my record.

Therefore, I will submit a ban request on this BH guy, who made me mad! I'm always mad! And once ENT bans him because HE caused the loss ("we would have won if it wasn't for him!") it will prove that I was right that it was all someone else's fault.


You do you know why this attitude is so popular on ENT? It's because the rules and the way they are written leaves grey area for matters like this where there is a conflict of interest. It devolves from a let's-go-by-the-rules affair, into a "I like you and played with you before, Im a mod, so I am going to pick sides here. Power to my people."

I'm almost hoping that the ban is discriminatory and will target just me and hold SB and Axe blameless. It will only cement the truth that I made a very effective argument against some rules and policies that aren't. And will prove whether or not the administration is capable of making calculated and objectively based decisions rather than biased little whimsies. TBH I don't have much faith judging by this guy's post history but you never know when you might be pleasantly surprised.

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Re: sunblock@useast, r4wr@uswest

Postby matdas » Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:35 pm

cohenta wrote: I'm a 6'10" Marine Navy SEAL with over 310 confirmed kills. u w0t m8? I'll fuck you up.

Out of all the paragraphs, this is the only thing i read...

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Re: sunblock@useast, r4wr@uswest

Postby evanjack10 » Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:38 am

matdas wrote:
cohenta wrote: I'm a 6'10" Marine Navy SEAL with over 310 confirmed kills. u w0t m8? I'll fuck you up.

Out of all the paragraphs, this is the only thing i read...

hahahahaha same here! I laughed hard on that. Actually a lot of my friends did.

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Re: sunblock@useast, r4wr@uswest

Postby getstomped » Wed Apr 20, 2016 2:32 am

definitely locked until reviewed....

@cohenta we do not take threats lightly on this board. This will be the only warning you get on the matter. Whatever you are or pretend to be, leave it off the board and keep posts about the games.
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Re: sunblock@useast, r4wr@uswest

Postby BeerLord » Tue May 03, 2016 5:19 am

If the silliness ingame was anywhere close to your silliness posting here I can see why your team was upset with you.
Banned 5 days for game ruin.

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