Island Defense - Beta Updates

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Moderator: Oversight Staff

Should the Island Defense map be kept up to date?

Yes, the bot should have the latest version to allow for rapid updates and bug fixes.
Yes, but I didn't like 0104. There should be more discussion around changes.
Yes, but I didn't like the way terrain changes were handled. There shouldn't be "in-progress" terrain changes.
No, the map should be released and reviewed by the community every time before being hosted, with a poll for every single version.
Total votes: 38

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Re: Island Defense - Beta Updates

Postby lordmillt » Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:07 pm

amg, can u guys actually grow up? im lookin at this and i only see 10years old kids argueing if they want to speed the versions up or not. Can we not act like 10.

What i think is best is givin the bot the versions like 105 when the topmid poll have ended or smg like dat so we can actually play pub games with the changes of top mid?
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    Re: Island Defense - Beta Updates

    Postby Hatedmaru » Sun Apr 24, 2016 5:44 pm

    aRt)Y wrote: If you've suggestions regarding the map... post them in the ID section.

    Stay on topic, without ranting, offtopic posts, cursing/flaming. Thanks

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    Re: Island Defense - Beta Updates

    Postby road-kill » Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:44 pm

    Lots of post missing, I'm sure I saw more. Anyways thanks Neco for letting us vote... I'll try to get people directly here to vote more..

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    Re: Island Defense - Beta Updates

    Postby magicpants » Fri May 06, 2016 10:03 pm

    I am going to add my 2 cents as someone who casually played ID before Neco was editing and after, and has just recently come back after a few years of not touching WC3.

    1. I agree with Stealer that using those stats to justify any edits is meaningless. There are so many different factors, it is unlikely hundreds of players were checking the forums to see there was a new edit in Island Defense to replay a game like WC3, as opposed to other things in life (nostalgia, school breaks, work schedule).

    Unless you can provide better data than that, any claims to the cause of activity spikes are purely speculative at best. I came back to WC3 a couple months ago, but I had no idea Island Defense was still being updated or changed at all, I just did it for a nostalgia trip.

    2. I actually like certain major changes implemented, like the neutral buildings upon death/dc. Quite a few are buggy and unpolished imo, but I really like some of these changes. They are excellent for balancing. I used to virtually never play Titan until now, I still kind of suck (my micro is shit), but I know the game doesn't end the moment people have based, as one successful siege can keep the game rolling.

    Neco once said something in a thread along the lines of, "Balancing should not have to revolve around suiciding or leaving game" (can't be bothered to find the exact quote now), I totally agree with this sentiment.

    3. Many terrain changes are meh, to me. None are particularly inspiring, neither do any of them seem particularly necessary. However, I never saw the original designs as particularly divine or without criticism, so I welcome changes even if they aren't the best, as long as they are in process of being polished and balanced.

    Perhaps there are a few things I would take issue with which I cannot specifically recall now.

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    Re: Island Defense - Beta Updates

    Postby aRt)Y » Mon May 09, 2016 9:00 am

    @Neco Can we archive it?
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    Re: Island Defense - Beta Updates

    Postby Neco » Mon May 09, 2016 9:15 am

    Former Editor of Island Defense - ENTID Rules

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