Ban Appeal lokipoki (windows update)

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Ban Appeal lokipoki (windows update)

Postby lokipoki » Mon May 16, 2016 5:30 am

Your Warcraft III username: lokipoki
Realm/Gateway: ENTconnect
Why are you banned: My computer started a windows update without my permission which took longer than the reconnect period and so I could not reconnect back to my LegionTD game.
Why you should be unbanned: This disconnection from the game was accidental and is also a very rare occurence, so I think it would be fair to be unbanned.


Re: Ban Appeal lokipoki (windows update)

Postby Mercy » Mon May 16, 2016 10:30 am


You have a really low stay rate, please work on getting this up.

You have a 20% left rate which is more disconcerting. This is the only appeal that is going to be easy for you until that percentage goes up.

Happy gaming.

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