Age: 24
Game moderator specialty (see below for choices): Legion TD
Brief introduction: as stated iam Steffen, 24 and from germany.
recently i started to work as computer scientist which sadly limited my playing time a bit but increased my time on the forum.
currently i spend my main free time on playing and streaming wc3/Legion td or on pubs during the weekend.
What are your current hours of playing time (approximate): 3h a day on the evenings and randomly on weekends
What is your current time zone: GTM+2
Describe any relevant experience, both in moderating and in Warcraft III: i played wc3 fun maps more or less since the realease of TFT 2003 but started my online carrer just about 2.5 years ago here on ent and played more or less exclusively Legion TD.
i used the dota replay manager and the fogclick detector pre 1.27 to make my ban request as accurate as possible so i know how to use and read the drm data quite well.
so far i have no moderation experience.
Why do you want to become a game moderator: iam part of the ent community and used and abused it for over 2 years already so i thought i would be time to give some of the passion back and help out the community
What will you bring to the ENT/Warcraft III community: i bring an active moderation especially in the european morning and try to reduce a long waiting time on ban appeals
Closing Statement: besides on the ban appeal and request area iam pretty often on the chat and try to help out players whenever i can.
below are some of the banrequest and appeals i commented and tried to help
ban requests:
ban appeal: