Azeroth Wars LR - change bot back to 1.90

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Azeroth Wars LR - change bot back to 1.90

Postby Moonstrider » Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:02 am

as the topic suggests, I would like the Warcraft 3 AW LR bot using 1.90 version again. Why?

The new version is awful. I could talk about balancing changes that damaged balance of the game, I could talk about map changes that made the map look worse and units movement there less transparent, but these could both be dismissed as rants of someone who doesn't like the changes and only wants to complain.

So, no, lets not build the case on these foundations, there is more than enough other reasons - lets call them bugs. For example, when I played as scourge, defeated purple and destroyed all his cities (including Stratholme) I didn't get Arthas. I thought I would get him soon. I waited 30 minutes before I left. But the worst part of the new version are the crashes. I played at least 20 games of AW LR 1.90 in the recent weeks. It never crashed. Not once. In the last few days I played like 5 games of the new version. In 4 of them it crashed before 20 minutes mark, in the fifth (the scourge one I talked about before) it didn't crash, but my ally and most of my enemies crashed out.

I know that the editing team couldn't build on the foundation of 1.90. I understand the need for improvement and new features. But what I don't understand is the thought processes of people who unleashed this abomination on us. Did they do no testing? Did someone who actually plays the map participate in the design process? I think that sometimes it is better to stand still then to make a step backwards (actually, in this case a lot of steps backwards). I really like AW LR, but I (and in my opinion most of the other players) will stop playing because this version is simply unplayable.

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Re: Azeroth Wars LR - change bot back to 1.90

Postby HazarDous » Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:46 am


Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Altho ENT will always support map makers in their attempts to update and further improve a map, it is clear that this version has issues that need to be fixed.

@Crusader793 was aware that this new version might not be a total success, and he mentioned that he was willing to cooperate with the community. You guys might want to cooperate in the development of future versions, such as testing before implementation.

Topic in question; viewtopic.php?f=43&t=91747

@uakf.b Revert to 1.90 on ENT41 pls.
Azeroth Wars LR 1.90e.w3x
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Re: Azeroth Wars LR - change bot back to 1.90

Postby uakf.b » Wed Jun 29, 2016 10:23 pm

dWFrZi5i -- 'cause I'm cool like Agreements

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Re: Azeroth Wars LR - change bot back to 1.90

Postby HazarDous » Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:29 am


@Moonstrider fyi.

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