GM - dota4life

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GM - dota4life

Postby dota4life » Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:32 pm

Name: Nick
Age: 17
Game moderator position (see below for choices):
#1 DotA
Brief introduction:
DotA addict XD
What are your current hours of playing time (approximate)
probably AVERAGE of 2 hours a day due to school, however revently I have had mono and have been home alot spending 4-5 hours average on ENT bots.
What is your current time zone? EDT
Describe any relevant experience, both in moderating and in Warcraft III:
I have been playing wc3 for seven years and used to HATE DotA players and played everything BUT dota, however i met a guy in Biology freshman year and sat next to him and somehow wc3 came up and he got me on dota so i have been paying ever since. I played constantly since then and have gotten fromt the point where my goal was 1k elo and a positive kdr to where my goal is a 2k elo (as i reached on ALWAYS_BLUE). In my growth through dota i came up and learned the basics in CASH where i occasionally skyped people in my clan. One of them offered me a link for MH and i accepted. I experemented with MH for about two weeks before it became boring never having to worry about ganks oruse skill to determine where others were and stuff, hoever i was an amature and i fogclicked often. I got permabanned on cash after i had already deleted the file from my computer and have regretted it since.
Why should we accept you?
Since I have moved to ENT i have been a constant player and am ready to take my experence to help enforce the rules and lighten the load of other GMs. Mistakes have been made in my past but they are past and I am ready to help make a difference.
Why do you want to become a game moderator?
One day i was palying dota with some other immature friends of mine and we enjoyed trolling with eachother very much and trolling others even more. We beat VirusHunter and his friends twice and later when my friends left i decided to play with him. When the game was full and two of them were on the other team and i was alone i was about to say ng(next game) so we could all be on the same team when he swapped me up. I inquired how to get the power to swap people after the game and he made it seem very easy saying something along the lines of "just go make an account on the forums, and if you have 20 posts in two weeks you can become a GM by filling out a quick survey." So, power hungry with the idea i joined the forums and let it all go to my head. I was basically laughed at and chidded for my behavior on the forums and told to not even apply, this was a while ago however and since then i have come to realize that i was immature and have stopped completely trying to help on the forums, but over the last week or so I have seen alot of MHers and actually been frustrated enough to report them instead of turning the blind eye as i used to. I would like to become a GM to help you guys catch more violators and get them (MHers) out of ENT for at least a year.
What will you bring to the ENT/Warcraft III community?
I will simply help get rule violators banned as often as possible to make the gaming experience more fun and fair for the ones that play by the rules.
Closing Statement:
I understand how bad the past may look but if you lok at my rcent posts and give me a chance you will see that I can be a valuable asset to the ENT team. I look forward to helping out if allowed. Thank you

I was told to try again in a week when i had more posts on ban requests. i have more than double my post count and reccomended to try to become a mod by a GM who didnt even know i had already tried once. Hasnt been a whole week, but ive been very active so i thought that you could get enough to judge me better now.


those are my contrabutions to the forums in the last 5 days althought i did not get on yesterday or the day before so that is 3 days worth.
Last edited by dota4life on Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby QTriNitY » Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:52 pm

I am supportive of his application.

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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby VirusHunter » Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:31 pm

i would vote !deny based on the fact you are lying about the fact i used swap. and that i said you had to take a quick survey to get GM. and if you are going to lie now on your application... then. well i dont need to explain this to you.
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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby Palsgraf » Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:31 pm

It is rarely appropriate to use the !swap command in the lobby of a DotA game. The fact that you even mention this in your application as an impetus for applying gives me pause.

I have serious concerns about you becoming a moderator.
Must go faster.

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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby dota4life » Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:57 pm

That is just what got me intrested. Viruse was the first GM i met and honestly i didnt know what they did or anything. ive come a long way since then and wont abuse power.

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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby NutzSucksHard » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:03 pm

Why aren't any mod took my suggestion serious. Put a @##%@$ Status on our Staff application.

Nothing mean, we have lot of new, and they already have 'not much' work to do. Having more mod give us nothing, you'll be able to have in-game power wihtout doing request, cause there's already a lot of *mod* that handle them. The BRQ is always or almost alway empty. Also, we implement a system that it's not everyone that can review MH request.

Thus said, only thing you'll handle for now will be 'game ruining/Afk' Offense, wich we have.. lem me count, 1-2-3-4... Cause as you can see, we have now dota mod and custom game mods.

Again, I have nothing against applicant, I have something against looking to new mod and handling them. Wait up... 1 post per day?

Total posts:
60 | Search user’s posts
(0.18% of all posts / 1.18 posts per day)

Most active topic:
(5 Posts / 8.33% of user’s posts)

And whhhaaaattt? You really need to involve in request place, still, how?!?! we already handle them nicely. Like I said, it's empty most of the time.

[spoiler=To Admin, seriously!]So, are we going to put a status, or just LOCK the place so none can apply until we searching for it.[/spoiler]

P.S: I have nothing against you, if you hate that much Mher's, review games, post some more, and there we go. You don't need said power to ban them, you need to report them, that's all. If you want power for : Banning people and command in-game. It's not only that, it's more then what it looks like. Honestly, for me, first, you're not ready yet. Second, like I said, involve in request, honestly. :/

It's a no.

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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby dota4life » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:07 pm

1.18 posts per day from .25 posts a day a week ago or so... i made my acc a while ago and didnt use much till recently so posts per day is decieving.

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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby NutzSucksHard » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:09 pm

Same for me. I made it only to validate my account. It took me 3-5 month before starting posting. Well I will show you what I mean.

Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:52 pm ---> First Nutz post. Epic. The legend as born ahahahah
Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:30 pm ---> Second Nutz post.
Tue Dec 04, 2012 8:24 pm ---> Nutz start being active.

After the 4th december I been active, so get off the sept 08 and sept 23 it was a introduce and then a support ask.

I'm registred from august. So. september to December = 4 month or 3 depending how you count it. Then look where we at now :3 I been beyond inactive for more then 4 month. My post per day still high :)

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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby dota4life » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:23 pm

so your saying you have had 3 months to make your post ratio go up and i have had about 1.5 weeks? aka you were inactive for about 1/4 your time and i was inactive about 3/4 mine. if i get denied cuz of my daily post count i will lol

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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby NutzSucksHard » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:47 pm

No, I mean I had post nothing during all this time. Wich mean I was at 3 post. Then I asked earlie to be in staff. Been refused due to post count. Then I posted second app when I was first 25 post. My application touched my 26th post. I got refused. Then I been off for like two three weeks. Down, I was like, fuck it, I will review stuff and I will get nothing in back. NzDeath told me to keep going, trying hard etc. I gave my 110% during like two week and re-applyed, I still been active while request was on... When I joined the team, I just realised I had my chance by 'short'... They were 50/50... I've been lucky, you can check it, they all say don't make me regret it.

Now, you can see how much I'am as a moderators. This what I want you to know guys. Every single application isn't here to be accept, you should take criticism, and work on. I didn't knew it until I see their comment in priv. I was like, I'am lucky. Still, I see just all applicant these day being accepted. And that's not normal. We have enough staff member, honestly, and new staff doesn't show the activities I would like them to have. I'm being honest with you, you seems a good person. When I'm rejecting an application it's not cause I don't like you, it's cause I want to be sure that you'll fit with your position, know what responsabilities it comes with.

We have two staff that been banned for MapHacking. We get enough staff demoted for inactivity, we get enough staff that abused their power... All this resulted of immaturity, frustration, power hungry, people that been here for a month then go (sometime good reason like school, life etc) DO YOUR LIFE BEFORE FORUM, yes I will never be against that. What I meant there is that to much time we say !yes! come come ... And at the end we have not much =/

Not telling it's you, just telling I want to see more before accepting you.

Also : just a month ago, you been banned for 'impersonnating staff' I think you know what I meant there.

If you told me you get maturity in less then a month... Not sure, maturity need a work on. :/
Last edited by NutzSucksHard on Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby teller55 » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:47 pm

Daily post count has nothing to do with anything.

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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby NutzSucksHard » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:51 pm

Well if you say so.. For me a forum live by the presence of their mod, like you teller, being there a lot, uakf, cyber, agreement, me, trin (I don't name all, just those passing in head) etc... It's cause we're here when there's question, complaint, suggestion, request, appeal and I pass.... We answer fast. Someone that come only once in the day, see request empty and leave isn't a person I want in staff. Hope you understand.

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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby teller55 » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:56 pm

I'm aware, I'm just saying as someone who is on the forum many hours a day that some things are answered to quickly by me or other staff that it can be hard for someone to respond. Also, if it's something in Complaints (or some other section), if you don't know who the person is that is being complained about, or don't have an opinion (especially in Complaints), just posting randomly about something you don't know much about isn't the way to go, then it's just considered spamming.

But I digress. I don't have an opinion one way or the other on this applicant as I haven't looked that much into it. Personally I agree that we have sufficient staff at this time, but that has no bearing on my decisions.

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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby dota4life » Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:34 pm

I dont understand how it hurts to be overstaffed?

Also why would one person tell me to reapply in a week, and another PM me to apply for admin because he likes the way i think? And as far as "impersonating an admin" I was still under the illusion that GM was as easy as 123 and I said I would be GM i. Two weeks because that's the day i made forum acc. The other time in question i said "I will ban you" and by that meant submit a ban request which I did.

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Re: GM - dota4life

Postby Spectre » Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:06 pm

I guess when u get (if You get) GM status u gonna impersonate pope or the president?

Skill and knowledge is one thing, good manners is another one, as long as the first thing is arguable (i assume You think, You actually are pro, which You are not), the second is not.
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