Builder concept: Naga

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Builder concept: Naga

Postby Lynx » Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:49 am

Properly Formatted post HERE over at Lynxes Island Wordpress.

Below is a copy and paste of the article, I recommend you visiting the site though for a better reading pleasure as it is way better formatted with pictures and other stuff.
Builder Concept: Naga

Naga: An easy builder similar to Murloc who uses immobilizing effects to her advantage.
Introducing: Naga

The model used is Naga Siren from the WC3 Campaign

Naga is primarily a basing builder, which makes her most similar to the “easy” builders such as murloc, gnoll, and makrura. Her overall base strategy is immobilizing her target to deal extra damage with her towers, to assist her with this Naga and her hunter both have re-searchable abilities to immobilize targets.

Starting of Naga only has a teleport as her escape, but she can research an ensnare ability later on in the early game.

8 food sea turtle lumber-harvesting workers
Slightly faster harvesting speed than 6 food workers
Lumber Acquisition Rate
Worker HP
Gold 2 Lumber

Sea Witch (Hunter) 6 food
Netting (tier 1 & 2) enables ensnare to be used by Naga and the Sea Witch respectively.
Wall upgrade
Coautl Egg (flying speed turtle)
HP upgrade
Tower precision training, increases damage by 4 of each tower when attacking an hero that is either immobilized or stunned.
Worker movement speed, increases movement speed of workers and allows them to swim.

Couatl Tower 15 damage, 600 range, +4/+8 increased damage on immobilized targets.
Enhanced Couatl Tower 25 damage, 600 range, +4/+8 increased damage on immobilized targets.
Super Couatl Tower 35 damage, 700 range, +4/+8 increased damage on immobilized targets.
Mega Couatl Tower 45 damage, 825 range, +4/+8 increased damage on immobilized targets.

Everything exactly the same as Murloc walls except for the model change.


Advanced Hunter Training, turns Sea Witch ensnare into an 300 AoE ground target ability. Increases damage by 20, HP by 200, and range by 200.
Netting 3, increases duration of ensnare for both Naga and Sea Witch
Tower precision training 2, increases damage by 8 of each tower when attacking an hero that is either immobilized or stunned.
Wall Upgrade
Inventory Upgrade
Hunter HP & Mana

Same as Draenei’s except for the model.

Ultimate towers; Tropical Glyph, Sacred SeaShell, and Crab Mutant.

Now with that all away, I want to discuss various things such as synergy’s etcetera. First of all Nagas foremost synergy’s is with herself, she has two immobilizing abilities and an ultimate tower that immobilizes as well, all three of which will boost damage of towers. Other builders that she fares well with are troll, goblin, tauren, nature, and murloc because of their acquirability of immobilizing spells.

Her improved version of turtle scales makes people want to co-operate and intertwine their gameplay. Overall she has plenty of upgrades which makes the player think of which upgrades to acquire first and secondly if there are any upgrades worth skipping to save up lumber for a stronger base.

Her workers cost 8 food instead of the standard 6 thus making her total worker count 18 instead of the normal 25. The rate of lumber acquisition should be roughly the same but the reasoning for this is because of 1. variation, 2. less space required for workers 3. weaker ability to worker block. All of this will in my opinion factor in to make the race unique. Her hunter costs 6 food to fill out her food at 150/150.

Regarding if her towers will be overpowered, I think not. The range is limited to 825 at mega level and as soon the titan is immobilized he can punish, and if you want to chain immobilizing spells the most you can have at one time is capped at 1 second as that is the punish cooldown. The titan can also attack and use abilities while immobilized so it really shouldn’t be overpowered, I’m more afraid that the towers are too weak to be honest but I feel like the numbers I’ve given are well rounded.

Thanks for reading, I believe I’ve been quite clear but if there is anything you don’t understand don’t hesitate to ask.


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Re: Builder concept: Naga

Postby Lynx » Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:22 pm

any feedback?

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Re: Builder concept: Naga

Postby ZimmeR » Thu Jul 14, 2016 3:25 pm

I gave you my feedback dumb swede

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