la-pomme-verte@eu Maphack

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la-pomme-verte@eu Maphack

Postby raedric » Sun May 22, 2016 2:44 am

Replay Link:
Game Name: [ent] apem us/ca #62
Your Warcraft III Username: Kiritsugu
Violator's Warcraft III Username: la-pomme-verte
Violated Rule(s): Maphack
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): 5:15-5:30 me and oracle are in woods to gank. Rather than sit on tower and get caught between us, he goes b without sight. When me and oracle start going back towards lane he circles into woods and follows directly behind us no sight to attack.
6:00-7:30 sits way back again when oracle is hiding in woods, even with two of us visible in lane. Only runs up to shrapnel, hurting his own exp gain for what should be no reason. This could just be being cautious cuz oracle was mia, but you'll notice oracle even runs to check lane for him and he goes b perfectly as he is coming to check lane, no sight. 8:45 oracle ults me from fog and I run down to stun. He starts running right as I get to stun range with invis on. I still caught him but it was a close thing. 10:22 me and oracle go to attack from woods and again he goes b right as we draw even. Says he saw us in trees but on rewatching he never had sight. Another ally of his said they had wards there. There weren't.
12:30 oracle TPs in from fog and uses his ult, sniper instantly backs.
There was an illegal votekick in here but it didn't pass so I don't care about it.
14:45 I charge him from fog with invis and stun procced, and he goes b right as I run up. There are plenty more instances than that, but finding this many so close together should be more than enough.

Any further thoughts: Even his own ally said he thought he was mhing late, no wards and dodged every time.

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Re: la-pomme-verte@eu Maphack

Postby BeerLord » Sun May 22, 2016 4:01 am

Agree. I watched the first 11 and a half minutes and am convinced.
5;25: suddenly backs as invisible alchemist approaches him from river
6:43 suddenly backs as alchemist approaches from the side in fog, as wd appears to be alone, and sniper has ally pugna and full creep wave.
7:50 oracle comes to gank and is invisible above the trees above the tower. Sniper plays cat and mouse with him obviously having vision.
9:38 oracle above trees and again sniper plays like he knows he is there.
959: alchemist backs and curls around trees above the tower. sniper has full creep wave but backs from outer tower towards mid tower as alchemist approaches in fog, then reverses his direction when alchemist stops and goes back the other way.
11:23 alchemist is invisible and sniper turns and backs as alchemist closes on him.
la-pomme-verte banned one year.
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Re: la-pomme-verte@eu Maphack

Postby StigJames » Sun May 22, 2016 5:48 am

Now i know why this guy picked zeus on others acc. Pure kser. Im glad to see his ban. Nice job guys !!!
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Re: la-pomme-verte@eu Maphack

Postby HazarDous » Sun Jun 26, 2016 2:00 am


No need to confirm Map Hack if you prove dodge. All yours.

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Re: la-pomme-verte@eu Maphack

Postby Arii » Sat Jul 23, 2016 6:47 am

User dodged TID: 94109
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