This actually annoys me:
Remixer wrote:Maybe we could implement some kind of "End Game Call" structure for the builders, meaning that each of these buildings started a timer, which on reaching 0 would win the game for the builders. This would cause a couple of things a) Titan actually needs to go for the basers, as he can't just farm on walls or waste time on weak bases so that he can surely kill the superb base b) Titan would take risks - and die to those risks. The current situation sadly is that Titan has NO reason to take any unnecessary risk, as he can basically stall the game forever and wait till builders make a mistake.
It's a 10v1 game. The responsibility of forcing that game to an end should not be on the single player. It's illogical from a game balance point of view and does not promote good games to force all game ending decisions onto a single player with 11 total in the game. Ending the game should be a joint effort from the majority. I'm sure if you look around you'll find a suggestion I posted a while back for how hunters could be buffed after the 45min mark using gold mines and op items to hunt the titan. It's not the titans responsibility to win. That's just years of ents dumb way of banning 1 person in a 10v1 situation for stalling. Literally makes no sense.