just_stfu wrote:There's no reason the gameplay can't evolve like it has been doing for 10 years.
But if it stagnates, that's yet another excellent reason to leave. If the noobs who whine the loudest are the group that gets pandered to, soon they'll be the only ones left. We're almost there already.
This couldn't be more correct.
For 10 years there has been version updates/changes where unlimited bitching and crying followed...and instead of just giving in to the loudest whiners the game actually adapted, survived, and gameplay improved over time. Changes were always met with resistance at first, and this one feels worse since ENT has gone so long without just implementing the new updates.
There are no egregious changes that absolutely destroy the dota1 experience like half of this whining makes it sound like. Even if there are a few changes I don't agree with there is absolutely no way they outweigh the quality of life, balance and gameplay improvements that were made. As I saw pointed out elsewhere in this thread, the balances taken from dota2 are those that were
originally icefrog's. Most if not all of these changes would've made it to dota1 anyway via icefrog if he never jumped to dota2....and just like the previous 10 years of updates there would have been bitching and crying then eventually players adapt, everyone gets over it and the game doesn't suffer one bit.
Really just feels like all these people are reaching for excuses to cover up their 'change is too hard, I'm scared' attitude. Keeping the game stagnant because change is scary is definitely not the right route.