Don_Killuminati wrote:Dong wrote:Don_Killuminati wrote:Unless the one lagging get kicked by players who did press to drop, i dont see any issues ;
Most of times as jamo said, ppl does to check if the one lagging got gproxy, and if he got gproxy, he wont be dropped since its an gproxy function.
As far as i know, ppl doesnt get dropped or if it does, feel free to report them for dropping someone who had chance to be reconnected.
Leave and Disconnection
Dropping player(s) is not permitted.
Learn the rules please...
common sense + manners > rules, mate
So in your opinion it is considered Common sense, And mannered to try and drop/kick players that have lagg issues, and are trying to reconnect to the game, and ultimately giving them a dc penalty because they did not get the opotunity to reconnect to the game ?
Wow man, that is so mannered and very common sense, yes, I can see that.
Let's just ignore all the rules ? and just go by what Each individual player in lihl consider common sense, and mannered ye ? ye ? ye ?
It is very clear that the examples I have given for the games that I refered to, is not just 1 player clicking "drop player" to check for Gproxy.
If it was just that, I would not even care to make this topic. So please get some common sense of your own, and see what this topic is really about.
I mean, you should try and go to the public bot, like ent18 or ent31 and try !votekick abuse, and when you get banned, just say " But he was not kicked because all did not vote yes, so what is the issue. "