Feature Suggestions / Changes

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Re: Feature Suggestions / Changes

Postby Burn » Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:33 am

Yeah, elixer should definitely be like turtle scales, available right away. I'll add that in.


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Re: Feature Suggestions / Changes

Postby 1337hamburger » Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:43 pm

Agree with changes except;
-barricades shouldn't be 0 gold, satyr rewalling is already so strong with perm invis so floaters don't add nuke pressure (and blur to dodge nuke spam)
-I don't think more gold from poking minions would bring balance as there is almost no risk in minion poking

But ya most stuff with satyr is just a bit off imo, the two biggest issues I think are loot being too cheap and crown needing merch.

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Re: Feature Suggestions / Changes

Postby Burn » Sat Jul 30, 2016 7:24 pm

  • Barricades stack then, no need for 0 gold barricades. It's also nerfed from 250HP to 150HP. Reinforced barricades still the same HP though.
  • Poking minions is not worth it at all. Rather wait and gold at mid with full health.

    • It's only good against bad titans who don't know how to hold position.


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Re: Feature Suggestions / Changes

Postby Lynx » Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:45 pm

Replace the observer slot with a 2nd slot on the Titan team. This 2nd slot acts basically like an observer with -mh enabled. Titan can -kick it and builders can -boot it. -Kick disables titan vision, -boot disables builder vision.

To support this change, you should be able to see teammates items and builders items should be visible to everyone.

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Re: Feature Suggestions / Changes

Postby Remixer » Thu Aug 11, 2016 4:25 pm

In my sight the entire speed poking concept is a bit odd. Costing quite a lot of gold it can be acquired quite late into the game. And by that time Titan surely has a way to effectively counter it, that is unless he is a complete moron. Combined with Ring of the Shadows makes speed poking way too efficient as it is now, with the exception that Titan has a MSOG, making the satyr more or less waste all the gold he spent on the upgrade.

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Re: Feature Suggestions / Changes

Postby Hash » Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:30 am

I feel like mini pokes for sat should scale up more. I was poking a lvl 20 mini and was getting +2 gold and +200 lumb per poke which seems kind of low.

I dont necessarily agree that there is no risk in poking minis, I've seen a lot of good players die as satyr trying to poke minis.

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Re: Feature Suggestions / Changes

Postby pep » Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:06 pm

ring + speedpoke should be removed its retarded tbh.
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Re: Feature Suggestions / Changes

Postby Remixer » Fri Aug 12, 2016 2:34 pm

Changing Loot Stash cost to 25 gold requires some other changes too, for example another hp upgrade should be available without it then, as having so low health on satyr until you get loot stash would be too risky imho.

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Re: Feature Suggestions / Changes

Postby Dehumanchum » Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:43 am

Not really most games I've seen every builder gets around 150g maybe more if they are really whoring out the mound. Take away the ring being able to effect speed poke like it does, make stash 25g and make stash the only requirement for crown and sat should be fine. I'd also consider capping his maximum hp since he is a high risk builder it should stay like that. Nothing is more boring then playing a sat with 6k+ HP and speed poking the titan for days without fear of getting killed.

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Re: Feature Suggestions / Changes

Postby FollowingPath » Sat Aug 20, 2016 6:53 pm

Change the number of Demonologist summons to be 1 of each summon. Currently the sheer amount of fel hounds and arachnids makes it very easy to save builders mid, support bases from afar and surround minions.

If the number of fel hounds were reduced to 1, the speed, damage, armor, and mana burn could be increased. This would mean that surrounding a minion is harder, and it would instead have to be used to block it thanks to its increased movement speed. It would also mean that you can't practically scout the entire map with 4 fel hounds, and succesfully supporting bases from afar by using your summons to kill wards/harass minions would require better timing. Currently it's too easy to summon 4 fel hounds and send a number (based on your demonic strength level) to kill wards and block titan. I don't have a number on how many times I've saved a base that was found by titan before it was complete just by sending the dog squad to block and kill his wards.

If the number of arachnids were reduced to 1, demonologist could no longer have one arachnid at mound while turning the other one into a shade. It's also too easy to impede titan's movement with 2 arachnids. Simply have 1 arachnid attack the titan while you're fleeing with the one he's trying to kill. A little micro buys builders ~10 extra gold, depending on how stubborn titan is. The arachnids are also very potent at destroying wards since they're ranged. I very rarely have to commit 2 arachnids at once to kill a ward.

Combining the sheer amount of summons with Demonic Strength + Bound Summoning and you have what is flat out the strongest base supporter in the game with 0 downtime on summons.
Here's a replay link that shows how well a demonologist can support a base from afar:
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 200518.w3g
It starts around 27 minutes into the replay. I also kill a minion very easily by surrounding it with summons and just walling around it.

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Re: Feature Suggestions / Changes

Postby wastedlandering » Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:35 am

FollowingPath wrote:Change the number of Demonologist summons to be 1 of each summon. Currently the sheer amount of fel hounds and arachnids makes it very easy to save builders mid, support bases from afar and surround minions.

If the number of fel hounds were reduced to 1, the speed, damage, armor, and mana burn could be increased. This would mean that surrounding a minion is harder, and it would instead have to be used to block it thanks to its increased movement speed. It would also mean that you can't practically scout the entire map with 4 fel hounds, and succesfully supporting bases from afar by using your summons to kill wards/harass minions would require better timing. Currently it's too easy to summon 4 fel hounds and send a number (based on your demonic strength level) to kill wards and block titan. I don't have a number on how many times I've saved a base that was found by titan before it was complete just by sending the dog squad to block and kill his wards.

If the number of arachnids were reduced to 1, demonologist could no longer have one arachnid at mound while turning the other one into a shade. It's also too easy to impede titan's movement with 2 arachnids. Simply have 1 arachnid attack the titan while you're fleeing with the one he's trying to kill. A little micro buys builders ~10 extra gold, depending on how stubborn titan is. The arachnids are also very potent at destroying wards since they're ranged. I very rarely have to commit 2 arachnids at once to kill a ward.

Combining the sheer amount of summons with Demonic Strength + Bound Summoning and you have what is flat out the strongest base supporter in the game with 0 downtime on summons.
Here's a replay link that shows how well a demonologist can support a base from afar:
http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 200518.w3g
It starts around 27 minutes into the replay. I also kill a minion very easily by surrounding it with summons and just walling around it.

I support for basically all the same reasons. The double arachnids are also pretty deadly for jump-summon blocking titan in.

This strays off topic a little bit, but the dog squad is also really fucking annoying as Bubo. Corpse wards are basically worthless when there is a demo alive, which is very annoying when you are trying to siege late game. Corpse wards are shitty enough as it is (one shot by everything, 1 minute corpse spawn time for 1 corpse consumed, can't be placed in water, etc) but if the dog squad comes rolling in, you have 0 hope of defending your wards. (personally I think they should spawn corpses faster, with a cap of 3 wards, that all have more hp, maybe 3-4 hits to kill instead of one). I basically rq on picking bubo because of how tedious sieging becomes late game.
FreePeterPan wrote: idiot neco didn't even implement blinky, how could you thank him? He had over a week to do it.

IamGiantRetard wrote:
Should someone come up with an (actual) idea for Blinky the Steamroller

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Re: Feature Suggestions / Changes

Postby Burn » Mon Sep 12, 2016 3:26 pm

Agreed, lower the amount of summons, but double attack and HP, leave armour values alone. It'd actually be a huge buff to Demo because it'd take two rounds of chain nuke to kill the summons, but now you can't use them for ward killing and bubo corpse ward killing as much because you can't send in your armies one at a time.

It'd also be harder to army surround so easily as Demo, leave that to Nature and worker blocks.

New suggestions:


Bring back 600/700/800/900 Pirate towers
Nerf all ranged hunter's range by one half (Pirate/gob/dryad/radio)
Decrease pirate tower damage by 10%

Can we also get a ID suggestions and bug reports sub-forum already? It's nearly impossible to navigate old suggestions.


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