2 games in a row Im dodged.

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Re: 2 games in a row Im dodged.

Postby MarshMallows » Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:50 am

Krayyzie wrote:1: You said you had specific proof that I dodged You? show them
2: Ur sitting there saying crazy skeleton aka brave is trolling you? who the heck is crazy skeleton?

What is the difference beetween mick wanting to play 3v3 with predefined teams compared to when people go 2s and do the same thing, which once again, happens pretty much every day in lihl? Obviously if you had 5 players signed, then you could´ve done a game long before we came out? why did u sit around waiting for 1 hour when u got enough players to start a game?
Once again, since you point me out specific, post your ss of me saying i dodge you or anything else that proves it?

Sony said he didnt want to play a 2s and they we can just wait as the other game will end shortly, but when it did you just by passed us and made your own game lol... you don't see a problem?

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Re: 2 games in a row Im dodged.

Postby Beastman » Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:54 am

you trolled my with the ss i sent u are braveheart-wins? the ss is there look again. Stop bothering me now pls

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Re: 2 games in a row Im dodged.

Postby dweiler » Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:56 am

MarshMallows wrote:
Krayyzie wrote:1: You said you had specific proof that I dodged You? show them
2: Ur sitting there saying crazy skeleton aka brave is trolling you? who the heck is crazy skeleton?

What is the difference beetween mick wanting to play 3v3 with predefined teams compared to when people go 2s and do the same thing, which once again, happens pretty much every day in lihl? Obviously if you had 5 players signed, then you could´ve done a game long before we came out? why did u sit around waiting for 1 hour when u got enough players to start a game?
Once again, since you point me out specific, post your ss of me saying i dodge you or anything else that proves it?

Sony said he didnt want to play a 2s and they we can just wait as the other game will end shortly, but when it did you just by passed us and made your own game lol... you don't see a problem?

We wanted to remake and didn't know you guys waited so long/had a huge problem with it. When you joined and told us we offered to swap in (we even swapped you in but you left) and we asked who wanted to play to give everyone a chance. I don't know what else we could do.
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Re: 2 games in a row Im dodged.

Postby Beastman » Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:59 am

You could not snipe, not bypass, unhost, not vehemently deny and defend. Just a few things


Re: 2 games in a row Im dodged.

Postby MarshMallows » Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:00 am

Listen, what you did shouldn't happen, you wanna just say you did nothing wrong, we cant stop you.

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Re: 2 games in a row Im dodged.

Postby DJ.FM » Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:23 am

MarshMallows wrote:[SONY-]: just dont say anything its pure bs i w8ted 20 mins
[SONY-]: and u nigglets
[marshmallows]: how did i get unsigned?
[SONY-]: come and snipe
[SONY-]: they started 2s
[SONY-]: and swap in
[SONY-]: they wanna trow us
[SONY-]: idk why tho
[DJ.FM]: its not you rofl

Also this is from lobby chat. DJ.FM telling us it wasn't us they were dodging.

This is me stating we didn't have a problem with anyone just wanted 3vs3 rematch anyway sorry if anyones upset. I Love peanuts

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Re: 2 games in a row Im dodged.

Postby Krayyzie » Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:26 am


1: You point me out saying I dodge you, writing you got proof of me and DJ specifically dodging you
2: You dont post anything that proves it
3: You write that im now trolling you with my "aka" crazy skeleton
4: When I say you make things up , you post a ss of me asking you to actually post some kind of proof of me dodging you, you post that im trolling you?
5: You have still not posted one single thing where i´ve said that im dodging you, and you´ve still made up both that and the fact that i was trolling you with my pro aka crazy skeleton.... good job, and you keep dodging the real fact, you aint got shit for proof of me saying anything about dodging you, because I never did, just give it up... obviously the fact is you aint got shit on me, you just wanted to point me out because I was annoyed with the way u acted the game before.

And I know you seem to be discussing this with mickey marsh, but, the ammount of players you guys force to sit out day in and day out by just playing your 4s nonstop even when 11-13 players around letting 3-5 players sit out all the time, what is the freaking difference?
Do you really think its worth a forum thread every time that happens? Everytime someone gets "sniped" because they are signed for 2s when alot of players sign for 4s, they should start a thread here? The forum would be filled within 2 days time with 20 threads of it.

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Re: 2 games in a row Im dodged.

Postby Beastman » Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:32 am

I posted screenshot
Last edited by Beastman on Sun Aug 28, 2016 5:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2 games in a row Im dodged.

Postby Krayyzie » Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:38 am

So, you start a thread, with lies, and then you say we should leave you alone? Are you going to keep dodging the real question? Do you actually have anything of me saying Anything about dodging you or anything like that? or was it just a big lie? I´d say you telling me I need to learn basics of lihl, and saying we tk for upping king and then call out in channel we tk you after game, would go under more trolling and flaming than, "you forgot to go sleep?" after you said goodnight?


Re: 2 games in a row Im dodged.

Postby Don_Killuminati » Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:25 am

Hi, i'm Don_Killuminati ..
imo guys, its always delicate to speak about personal issues on the forum.
This kind of cases happends everytimes ; sometimes on purpose sometimes not.
I'm sure if you guys takes the time to speak and establish a consistent dialogue without waste, this would avoid you guys to came here which apparently doesnt help at all.

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Re: 2 games in a row Im dodged.

Postby dweiler » Sun Aug 28, 2016 11:39 am

I don't know why you just didn't say you wanted to play when you were asked to, then you could have just played a game, instead of focussing on screenshotting private messages and posting them on forum.

Besides, there were 13 people who wanted to play in total around the time our game was hosted, so you could have also played another 3v3. Instead we ended up taking two people with us to do 4v4 because they were the only ones who still wanted to play and/or didn't rush to forum. (the 6 of our game who wanted to do rematch + piper, tom_hardy, sony-, marshmallows, g0liath_05, yolo.style, beastman)

Instead you chose to have drama on forum. Also I would advice you to not make accusations to make people look bad and then have nothing to back it up (in the case of @krayyzie and @dj.fm).

I am just going to process this, original maker of thread also requested to lock.
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Re: 2 games in a row Im dodged.

Postby Diablo_ » Sun Aug 28, 2016 8:26 pm

Just want to say (as non involved mod) that I don't see a big problem here.

It's not always possible that everyone can play and even if this might not have been the finest way it seems they tried their best to make the waiting guys happy as soon as they were aware of the problem the other guys had in this situation.

And also as mick said you could start a 2vs2 or something.
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