Tired of that Votebalance really.

Moderator: LIHL Staff

Plague Treant
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Tired of that Votebalance really.

Postby Lord-Miles » Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:05 pm

This game - http://storage.entgaming.net/replay/vie ... 272998.w3g

Can someone of @LIHLMODS just make something against that ?

This is happens 9 of 10 games really.

I want tin to be punished for this mute abuse and talking like that.
You guys have to play as the system set the teams if not all 8 players agree to use vb.

[FQ.CoM]: !votebalance
[System]: Player [FQ.CoM] has voted for autobalancing or shuffling on countdown. 2 more votes are needed.
[System]: [dafuker@useast.battle.net] has played 33 LIHL games here (ELO: 1009.27). W/L: 17/16.
[Together.]: !scores
[System]: *** player [OccupyW.Street] has joined the game
[System]: [OccupyW.Street@useast.battle.net] has played 138 LIHL games here (ELO: 899.08). W/L: 65/73.
[Together.]: Rofl
[tinsoldier]: !votebalance
[System]: Player [tinsoldier] has voted for autobalancing or shuffling on countdown. 2 more votes are needed.
[OccupyW.Street]: !scores
[Lord-Miles]: no vb
[OccupyW.Street]: !votebalance
[System]: Player [OccupyW.Street] has voted for autobalancing or shuffling on countdown. 1 more votes are needed.
[System]: *** player [Psyclone] has joined the game
[System]: [Psyclone@useast.battle.net] has played 138 LIHL games here (ELO: 1013.65). W/L: 68/70.
[Lord-Miles]: dont vb
[Together.]: go vb
[tinsoldier]: !scores
[Lord-Miles]: do not vb
[tinsoldier]: hey miles
[tinsoldier]: suck my nut

[Together.]: it's vb
[System]: *** player [tariq.td] has joined the game
[System]: [tariq.td@useast.battle.net] has played 152 LIHL games here (ELO: 838.06). W/L: 69/83.
[OccupyW.Street]: elo is fakket tho
[Lord-Miles]: tariq dont vb
[Together.]: it's obviously vb
[OccupyW.Street]: !votebalance
[tinsoldier]: !votebalance
[Together.]: !scores
[Psyclone]: !scores
[Together.]: it's vb
[Lord-Miles]: dont vb
[Psyclone]: its 11 19 minimum
[Together.]: 23.84-6.16
[Together.]: i always vb
[Together.]: vs u
[tinsoldier]: ur not the real lord
[tariq.td]: !scores
[OccupyW.Street]: !scores
[FQ.CoM]: !scores
[FQ.CoM]: That's ugly
[Together.]: why i should
[Together.]: vb with u next time
[tariq.td]: vb guys
[Together.]: it's gonna be
[Together.]: govb.
[tinsoldier]: !votebalance
[FQ.CoM]: Tariq
[Together.]: go vb
[FQ.CoM]: u can
[tinsoldier]: 10
[tinsoldier]: 9
[tinsoldier]: 8
[tinsoldier]: 7
[System]: ANNOUNCEMENT: Tip: Check out our forum at entgaming.net for our rules, list of current games, and player statistics!
[tinsoldier]: 6
[System]: [tinsoldier] has been automatically muted for spamming. (You will be unmuted momentarily, but please do not spam again!)
[tinsoldier]: 5
[Psyclone]: !votebalance
[System]: Player [Psyclone] has voted for autobalancing or shuffling on countdown. 1 more votes are needed.
[tinsoldier]: !unmute tinsoldier
[System]: Player [tinsoldier] was unmuted by player [tinsoldier].
[tinsoldier]: 4
[tinsoldier]: 3
[tinsoldier]: 2
[tinsoldier]: 1
[tinsoldier]: 0
[tariq.td]: !votebalance
[System]: The balance vote has passed. The game will be autobalanced or shuffled when the countdown starts (unless some players who voted leave).
[System]: [tinsoldier] has been automatically muted for spamming. (You will be unmuted momentarily, but please do not spam again!)
[tinsoldier]: !autostart 8
[System]: Auto start has been enabled. The game will auto start when there are 8 players.
[System]: Balancing slots completed.
[System]: Team 1's combined rating is [4057.18].
[System]: Team 2's combined rating is [4102.78].
[System]: Sentinel/West 1444.54 838.06 875.50 899.08 Avg: 1014.29
[System]: Scourge/East 1076.17 1003.69 1009.27 1013.65 Avg: 1025.69
[System]: ELO change: 15.51 / 14.49
[System]: 10. . .
[System]: 9. . .
[System]: 8. . .
[System]: 7. . .
[System]: 6. . .
[System]: 5. . .
[System]: *** player [Lord-Miles] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[System]: Countdown aborted!
[tinsoldier]: lmao
[tariq.td]: why he left ?
[System]: Waiting for 1 more players before the game will automatically start. (http://www.entgaming.net)
[System]: The balance vote has passed. This game will be automatically autobalanced or shuffled on countdown.
[Together.]: he will ban
[System]: [tinsoldier] has been automatically unmuted. (Don't spam or you'll be muted again!)
[Together.]: of all u
[tinsoldier]: he can suck my nut
[System]: *** player [Lord-Miles] has joined the game
[System]: [Lord-Miles@useast.battle.net] has played 54 LIHL games here (ELO: 1003.69). W/L: 27/27.
[System]: Spoof check accepted for [Lord-Miles] on server [useast.battle.net].
[Lord-Miles]: now owner leave
[Lord-Miles]: and j again
[System]: Waiting for 1 more players before the game will automatically start. (http://www.entgaming.net)
[tinsoldier]: fucking idiot
[tinsoldier]: miles
[tinsoldier]: dont fuck around

[System]: *** player [tinsoldier] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[Lord-Miles]: you gonna listen no vb
[System]: Waiting for 1 more players before the game will automatically start. (http://www.entgaming.net)
[FQ.CoM]: no one wanna play 23/6 game
[System]: *** player [tinsoldier] has joined the game
[System]: [tinsoldier@useast.battle.net] has played 148 LIHL games here (ELO: 1444.54). W/L: 90/58.
[Lord-Miles]: i want
[System]: Spoof check accepted for [tinsoldier] on server [useast.battle.net].
[tariq.td]: 24/6 game we need vb man
[System]: Waiting for 1 more players before the game will automatically start. (http://www.entgaming.net)
[FQ.CoM]: Get some fucking manners
[Together.]: he's d/c
[tinsoldier]: no one cares what u want
[System]: Waiting for 1 more players before the game will automatically start. (http://www.entgaming.net)
[Together.]: where's +1
[Together.]: ?
[tinsoldier]: !swap 6 5
[tinsoldier]: obs
[System]: Waiting for 1 more players before the game will automatically start. (http://www.entgaming.net)
[tinsoldier]: i need to open u up
[tariq.td]: we must all leave and come back
[tinsoldier]: !open 11 12
[System]: *** player [yolo.style] has left the game (was kicked when opening a slot)
[System]: *** player [93fly] has left the game (was kicked when opening a slot)
[tinsoldier]: no
[Together.]: where i'm?^^
[tinsoldier]: rejoin
[tinsoldier]: together
[Together.]: ok
[tinsoldier]: wait
[Together.]: i do
[System]: Waiting for 1 more players before the game will automatically start. (http://www.entgaming.net)
[System]: *** player [Together.] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[tinsoldier]: waht slot were u
[tinsoldier]: !swap 6 12
[System]: *** player [Together.] has joined the game
[System]: [Together.@useast.battle.net] has played 29 LIHL games here (ELO: 1076.17). W/L: 17/12.
[System]: Waiting for 2 more players before the game will automatically start. (http://www.entgaming.net)
[dafuker]: gg
[dafuker]: :D
[tinsoldier]: !swap 8 11
[tinsoldier]: rejoin
[Psyclone]: con fuckin grats
[tinsoldier]: psyclone
[tinsoldier]: itso k
[Together.]: now i don't see u
[Psyclone]: wasting now 1000 minutes
[tinsoldier]: psyclone rejoin
[Psyclone]: for that leave
[tinsoldier]: fast posyclone
[System]: Waiting for 3 more players before the game will automatically start. (http://www.entgaming.net)
[tinsoldier]: go rejoin
[System]: *** player [Psyclone] has left the game (has left the game voluntarily)
[tinsoldier]: !swap 7 5
[System]: Waiting for 3 more players before the game will automatically start. (http://www.entgaming.net)
[System]: *** player [Psyclone] has joined the game
[System]: [Psyclone@useast.battle.net] has played 138 LIHL games here (ELO: 1013.65). W/L: 68/70.
[tinsoldier]: !swap 12 1
[tinsoldier]: !swap 11 6
[System]: Waiting for 1 more players before the game will automatically start. (http://www.entgaming.net)
[tinsoldier]: !swap 12 8
[tinsoldier]: !autostart 8
[System]: Auto start has been enabled. The game will auto start when there are 8 players.
[Together.]: !scores
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: Psyclone
[Lord-Miles]: you make the real teams
[Lord-Miles]: not that
[tariq.td]: !scores
[System]: Players not yet spoof checked: Psyclone
[tinsoldier]: its vb idiot

Also tit did abuse !mute command ingame.

(11:03 / All) Lord-Miles: Stomp good skill
(11:41 / Allied) Lord-Miles: att
(11:43 / Allied) Lord-Miles: they did
(11:45 / All) Lord-Miles: nice att
(11:50 / Allied) tinsoldier: !mute lord
(11:50 / All) tinsoldier: Player [Lord-Miles] was muted by player [tinsoldier].

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Re: Tired of that Votebalance really.

Postby TinSoldier » Mon Aug 29, 2016 9:28 pm

so the votebalance pass and lord-miles delays the game by leaving. OK so then i have to do 6-7 swaps to prevent the game from glitching, everyone is pissed because he made us waste time cause he is a man-child and 4 people had to rejoin.

i haven't seen any official post about the votebalance feature and if we really need ALL people to agree b4 votebalance can pass then admins/mods should change the command so that 8/8 votes are needed.

anyway act like a bitch, get treated like a bitch. mods should also remove the !mute command cause im gonna save the other 6 people in the lobby the trouble of having to ignore him and just mute him every game. He barely plays here and when he finally comes back he turns into a little bitch forum warrior and we don't need more drama like this in the league, especially coming from a player that no one likes and should have been kicked out long time ago.

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Re: Tired of that Votebalance really.

Postby matdas » Mon Aug 29, 2016 9:37 pm

edit, i suggest this becomes locked before the bitch fits come in and flood this. Tin made his statement which lord-miles doesn't need to respond to. It is clearly shown in the logs.

(removed my comment to prevent drama)

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Re: Tired of that Votebalance really.

Postby dweiler » Mon Aug 29, 2016 10:08 pm

We are currently looking for a solution regarding this, the current situation is indeed not ideal. Regarding the votebalance should be made 8/8, I have asked the red mods to change it to this several times , but they haven't responded, it's hard for me to do anything about it then. I will lock until we can come back to this (need my fellow moderators to respond to my proposal :) ).
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Re: Tired of that Votebalance really.

Postby dweiler » Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:45 pm

See viewtopic.php?f=72&t=97057

Regarding the language used and arguments, I see that as a result from a policy on votebalance that asks for drama. We have changed it now and are confident that this will reduce the drama.
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