Auto Leave/ Auto Ban

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Auto Leave/ Auto Ban

Postby 13oomheadshot » Tue Sep 06, 2016 6:10 am

Your Warcraft III username: Mr.NiceGuy
Realm/Gateway: USeast
Why are you banned: will be auto banned.
Why you should be unbanned:
I was in team selection screen and hit Alt + A to leave the lobby. i tabbed out to look at game list and when i went back to wcr i was in loading screen for the game i thought i left, which is fine. but when the game loaded it automatically brought me to the ending score screen at 00:00:00.

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Re: Auto Leave/ Auto Ban

Postby clerik22 » Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:41 pm

Please take me out from ban list
Your Warcraft III username: Clerik22
Realm/Gateway: Northrend/Europe
Why are you banned: I got banned for leaving.
Why you should be unbanned: I was droped from the game because of disconect my intenet link.


Re: Auto Leave/ Auto Ban

Postby Hatedmaru » Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:59 pm

@13oomheadshot Your ban seems to have expired by now, just a sidenote: When quitting game lobbys, don't alt tab before you're sure you already exited it (Alt tabbing while exiting the lobby can bug, and you dont exit the game, causing you to still start the game, but you instantly get disconnected once game starts), so in the future, ensure you already quit before alt tabbing :P

@clerik22 Post a new ban appeal: viewforum.php?f=7 (Just the way you did, but post a new topic, don't post on other user's appeals; Btw your ban expires in around an hour from now)

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Re: Auto Leave/ Auto Ban

Postby Arii » Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:16 pm

Having an unstable internet connection or a high risk of lagging out? Are you tired of losing a won game because you disconnected?
    Do not worry, there are solutions to solve your problem!
    • ENT Connect is a on LAN connection based reconnection tool (no cd-keys needed).
    • GProxy++(Varlock) is a reconnection tool for the with an external prompt.
    • GProxy++ DLL is a reconnection plugin for (Recommended).
    For technical issues or questions, post a topic in the technical support forum.

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