[ID] suicidesheep map hacking

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[ID] suicidesheep map hacking

Postby falalipout » Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:21 am

Replay Link: https://entgaming.net/findstats.php?id=8325094
Game Name: [ENT] Island Defense #88
Your Warcraft III Username: petry
Violator's Warcraft III Username: suicidesheep
Violated Rule(s): map hacking
Time of Violation (in-game or replay): until i was last survivor
Any further thoughts: i was satyr and he randomly pearled straight on me when i was last survivor and was alwasy folowing me throught for of war

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Re: [ID] suicidesheep map hacking

Postby Arii » Sun Sep 11, 2016 2:40 am

Please provide more time stamps. We cannot ban for maphack based on one instance. Thank you
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    Re: [ID] suicidesheep map hacking

    Postby Nat » Sun Sep 11, 2016 7:35 am

    I can support this request and also provide timestamps, I was in this game too.
    It ranges throughout the whole game but here are some pretty dodgy looking plays.
    All my time stamps will go by GP timer.

    [00:00:45] Titan pearls bottom mid, sees nothing but runs over to the morphling wall and shelter for some feed. Pretty dodgy the
    way he stops just next to the wall he hasn't yet seen.

    [00:05:40] Titan runs towards top right, pearling a little under tauren's LB but still runs to the wall and from what it looks like
    he would attempt to sneak up and nuke, which he sees tauren det and attacks the rest of it.

    [00:07:00] Roughly around here, he pearls and misses anything while attacking pirates walls, he then runs straight over to
    ogres lb which he has no idea exists.

    (So far, you will notice he pearls the area AFTER he has taken care of it)

    [00:09:30]? I'm not 100% sure on this one but it looked kinda dodgy. (Yet again pearls area after the event)

    [00:18:30] A while after its only sat left. Here he has bought 6 pearls altogether. He is on hunt for sat and his pearls are quite
    close to each other where they didn't have to be. He's found sat but he wastes 1 more pearl?...
    Anyways here is where it gets really fishy

    Somewhere in between here he has no pearls up. Sat could be running towards minions or towards the left side of the map, BUT
    titan still pearls ahead of him,
    and out of all 6 pearls he had, he could have at least pearled areas of where his minions and main were.

    [00:19:30] He's lost vision, satyr could have easily turned around and juked titan but still decides to use 1 pearl and when his main
    is close. He has at least 3-4 other pearls off cd and decides only to use it when he's close enough to use his eye spell......

    If this doesn't convince you he maphacks, I don't know what will.
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    Re: [ID] suicidesheep map hacking

    Postby SuicideSheep » Sun Sep 11, 2016 8:30 am

    ok point out everything that seems shady to u. literally luck and smart play
    [00:45] i always scout around below the mound, oh guess what, a wall and a shelter from morph, luck
    [05:40] ok? im just exploring? u know walking around the map, not being idle?
    [07:00] i already pearled earlier and saw trees being harvested , if u look closely from before (game time 03:45)
    [09:30] pearl to see if there is any workers at the seed
    [18:30] my pearls are perfectly fine? using every bit of vision and choice of elimination, oh hey guess what, luckily found the sat, sooner or later i would've found him
    u are right my pearls are on CD but why would he run towards the left side of the map or towards the minions, that's just bad play, its like suiciding running into titan/minions, will he really be willing to take that risk? i mean at this point i'm just messing with him, hell i can just leave the game because i know i have already won, there's no way he's going to win because i know he's the only one left(game time 18:48 2 seconds before my pearl vision expires i see satyr run right)
    [19:30] i did not lose vision of satyr (game time 19:22) i see satyr run across the water, chances of him running to my minis and going backwards? highly unlikely because of the immense pressure hes in and the number or pearls i've show.

    "but still decides to use 1 pearl and when his main is close"
    what do u mean? my pearls are now off cooldown so obviously i'm going to use it (game time 19:27)
    oh hey im in range to cast eye because i'm chasing a satyr and i have more movement speed?

    i've played this game since forever and i dont MH, it's literally sheer luck and smart play

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    Re: [ID] suicidesheep map hacking

    Postby Nat » Sun Sep 11, 2016 9:11 am

    Here we go...

    The main part I was posting about was 18:30 and onwards. Other times I just posted dodgy moments.

    Sat could have easily walked towards your minions, or backtracked to the left. He had no idea of your whereabouts, only that you wasted 6 pearls on him and because you didn't pearl near your minions or titan, if he ran that direction you would have missed him. I get that you saw the direction he was running before the vision expired, but there's no way you could have been 100% sure which way he was walking from there, especially as to pearl directly ahead of him.
    What i'm saying here is that there are other more useful places you could have pearled around there to see just enough of him to determine which way he was going like down more so you get a view of both the lane under the shops and further below that towards mound. You would have still seen him either way (and for a titan of your skill it didn't seem right that you would pearl a place like that).

    My concern was right before you eyed him while he was running through water area. All vision of sat had expired
    and you still had minions with pearl ready - But the shady area of this part is where your main catches up to him and gets close enough so you pearl a little down from satyr and eye him straight after the pearl is cast. Literally right after the pearl without a delay... That means that you must have had pin point vision of where he was before you pearled in order to accurately both pearl and eye as quick as you did. And you did not pearl before you main titan did with other minions. So unless you have 0ms that seems pretty shady to me.

    As for the ogre lumber base, I don't remember any pearls revealing workers in his lumber base before hand. Besides watching the replay I would have seen red blips on the map of the workers which got pearled.

    I am just supporting this post with evidence that I have seen based off shady activity coming from you, for petry's sake. I'm not the one who posted the
    request, simply looked into the replay.
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    Re: [ID] suicidesheep map hacking

    Postby SuicideSheep » Sun Sep 11, 2016 9:42 am

    you realize the AOE of pearl is pretty big, i dont have to pearl DIRECTLY on myself.. and why would i?
    before i killed u, sat was trying to help u, so i KNOW hes not bottom right bottom left or top right that fast bro, he can't just appear on the other side of the map

    and what do u mean "for a titan of your skill", i am willing to titan for the sake of just playing the video game because no one likes to titan and if there is one, mostly likely its a troll or a bad one that leaves after 10 mins and i'm not going to sit in a lobby for 30 mins to gamble for a shitty game

    ONCE again i saw him run through the water 2 seconds before vision expired, and pearl AOE vision is just too big for him to escape my vision, and the only reason my main when that path is because he blocked the easier path to him, and what do u mean "PINPOINT his location", i know where he's going to be and if i'm not going to DIRECTLY pearl on him the pearl vision will spot him NO MATTER what, i have quick reactions and my ping is 11ms bro

    *sigh* look at the game timer 03:45 and set it to my vision and stare AT the ogre lumber base, you'll see 2 trees being harvested. i drag my mouse on the mini map really quick and check to see if there's any sound and i hear trees being lumbered while i already SHIFT hotkey queue'd my titan to do something else

    i am willing to fking skype call or screenshare and show you i don't MH, that's how far i'm willing to go because i love this game and i don't want to be banned for no reason

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    Re: [ID] suicidesheep map hacking

    Postby Merex » Sun Sep 11, 2016 10:46 am

    All times recorded in Island Defense Time (Top right timer)

    00:45 - Not much to this movement, seems like scouting indeed but I am partially suspicious at the movements lead to this - Perhaps as if he knew something was there before hand? Again though, most titan afaik go bottom in someway or so.

    05:40 - Not suspicious. He had vision of tauren's wall below the base so he would've gone down there anyways. The movements leading up to this however are a bit suspicious to me. To be more specific - Before heading top left altogether titan's direction was to top right but he stopped which has to be convenient because top right had nothing while he made this transition as top left did.

    07:00 - Not suspicious. After looking closely I noticed he saw the tree being chopped which is why he turned around.

    09:30 - Not suspicious. Teal was already revealed there so he would've went anyways for the RC/easy walls. Direction was leading to RC but drae was there so more-so just luck.

    18:40 - Not suspicious. Sat was seen running to the right before the pearls wore off. It shouldn't be rocket science to know he would continue that direction...

    19:30 - Not suspicious. Sat was also seen running into that pathway. Titan even positioned 2 of his minions to block him from potential juke so it should've been a clear assumption he would go the other way in which titan intercepted.

    Given that none of these movements prove any major suspicions or such, I am sure that this player doesn't maphack. If there's other replays you find more hard suspicions, feel free to post a new BRQ containing such and timestamps etc.

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