Hole in autoban system, draw if leaver leaves before min5, lobby votekick

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Hole in autoban system, draw if leaver leaves before min5, lobby votekick

Postby efko » Thu Sep 22, 2016 10:19 am

With time, more and more players are learning the best way to abuse autoban system on LOD games. It is easy thing to do, autoban will be active about 5 minutes after game where leaver left is finished. In meanwhile this means that player can leave 5+ games in a row and he can play tomorrow on new account without any problem because autoban will be expired till then.
To be more precise, player want to have multy cast from ogre, his game started and he doesn't have it, why to stay in game when it is more simple to leave and to join next game. Game which he left will be played 4v5 and may last 80 minutes. He have to go to school in about 2 hours and for tonight he have plans to go out and not to play games, so he join next lobby without problem and again same when game started, he left 2nd game. He is free to troll all players in game - example viewtopic.php?f=8&t=98850 Why not to tell them something like that when he can, because he is the boss in games. Same story in next 5 games till he gets mc, all games before are not finished yet, he died 2 times and rage quit and again he can play. Some player left the game after him or it was draw and they are now in same lobby, leaver can't be votekicked because that option doesn't exist in lobby so all what regular player can do when he is leaver like that is to leave that lobby so problems won't happen to him again, but if that continue in next games in next hour regular player is forced to not play any game.
There is mostly no way to draw the game and team with leaver is always in bad situation, in 70-80% cases team with more players will be winner.
On other hand, if that player gets reported, rules will protect him from any action because autoban have to deal with him which is not a case for sure and moderator will protect him with answer how autoban is there to solve that problem.
I'm not sure if leaving like that can be taken as dodging since player is not autobanned yet and says nothing about this case.
So solution for this can be adding sentence in the Rules:
Do not dodge your bans. Dodging is defined as playing on a different account while being banned on another account, often by a (purposely triggered) change of the IP. Dodging is considered a major offense equal to maphacking.

Note: Leaving the game on purpose and joining next game before autoban has been activated will be taken as dodging. This especially apply for new accounts with bellow 50 games played on account.

To avoid any misunderstandings, older accounts with huge amount of games played should be more protected from this, and usually you will hardly find anyone from those to do things like this. Also in situation where there is some problem which player have [errors, connection problems] it should not apply.

It can be done change by coder to set player to be autobanned instantly after leaving his game, but I guess there is too much job to be done such a thing.

And to not forgot, my suggestion about when someone leave on beginning of the game and to be autoban off in LOD games was denied once, so maybe it should be reconsidered again viewtopic.php?f=43&t=90580
!votekick command should exist in lobby of any game because problematic players will always join again and it may take a time before they get their punishment. My idea is 60-70% of players from game should vote and votekicked player should not be able to join that exact game till it start. In that way players will be protected from problematic player. Also ingame !votekick rules should not apply for lobby.

I hope this is proving how much we normal players have problems in lobbies and games, so I hopefully awaiting to be done.

Best regards.
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Re: Hole in autoban system, draw if leaver leaves before min5, lobby votekick

Postby HazarDous » Thu Sep 22, 2016 3:54 pm

Your argumentation is hard to follow as you argue things back and forth with no cohesion. Will try to discuss your points nonetheless..

* Leavers cannot be restricted from joining the next lobby / game, as the bot only sends info to the server when the game ends.

* Did not quite understand the "players can play 5 games + in a row and he can play tomorrow" argument. If a player leavers 5 games in a row, the auto bans will addition to a somewhat huge amount of time (3-4 days). If he uses new accounts every time, 1 left game will result in a 2 day ban by default.

* I understand someone could join a game just to leave it as it begins in order to ruin the game and join the next one. Theoretically, he could repeat that a lot of times before the first game he joined ends and finally add him to the ban list. However, that can be considered as both game ruin, and abuse of bot vulnerability. Such requests will be approved followed by a lengthy ban.

* Your suggestion to consider leaving and joining next lobby as dodging is denied for multiple (obvious) reasons which I won't list. TL;DR, you are not prohibited from playing if you are not actually banned.

* Regarding the lobby vote kick suggestion, we've had that before. The main reasons we removed it is because it was prone to abuse, it was a waste of administrative resources, and most of all, it was against our noob / new players friendly values.

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Re: Hole in autoban system, draw if leaver leaves before min5, lobby votekick

Postby efko » Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:51 am

I will try to answer today in next hours since I won't be at home.
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Re: Hole in autoban system, draw if leaver leaves before min5, lobby votekick

Postby aRt)Y » Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:53 am

It's the same argument as for pending ban requests: the ban will be issued - sooner or later.
That he leaves five games straight is shit, yes but leaving every second game is shit, too. You cant avoid that though.

I would appreciate if you could properly format your post(s) because reading a wall of text is not pleasant.
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Re: Hole in autoban system, draw if leaver leaves before min5, lobby votekick

Postby efko » Mon Sep 26, 2016 12:20 am

I'm busy last few days, can't afford more time for this atm, but will do it soon.
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Re: Hole in autoban system, draw if leaver leaves before min5, lobby votekick

Postby HazarDous » Mon Sep 26, 2016 2:10 pm

Making a post takes 5 minute max, I find it rather weird that you have the 2 minutes to log on forum to tell us you don't have the time to post, but can't manage to find an extra 3 minutes to actually answer.

Anyway, you did two suggestions, which I already denied. Rest seems to be misunderstandings or questions from your part.

Post these in the General Discussions section.

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