
Approved or denied ban requests are archived here.

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Postby pyro_p » Sat Sep 24, 2016 12:19 am

Replay Link: MindMachine
Game Name: no gamename
Your Warcraft III Username: Pyro_p
Violator's Warcraft III Username: pizza
Violated Rule(s): He keep harrasing me on my stream sending massagaes in new accounts so does not matter if I ignore him,maybe this wont ban him but I want to let you know hes being really rude agains me... reeally rueining my gameplay for [ENT] hes being so fucking rude, just wanted you guys to know....... thx / Pyro p
Time of Violation (in-game or replay):
Any further thoughts:
famous swedish grill steamer www.twitch.tv/pyro_p

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Re: mindmachine

Postby Arii » Sat Sep 24, 2016 3:57 am

In order to ban, we need a replay and timestamps. I suggest using !ignore or /squelch [name] when in bnet.

Having an unstable internet connection or a high risk of lagging out? Are you tired of losing a won game because you disconnected?
    Do not worry, there are solutions to solve your problem!
    • ENT Connect is a on LAN connection based reconnection tool (no cd-keys needed).
    • GProxy++(Varlock) is a reconnection tool for the battle.net with an external prompt.
    • GProxy++ DLL is a reconnection plugin for battle.net (Recommended).
    For technical issues or questions, post a topic in the technical support forum.

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